Part 14

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I went and popped by Chris's check up on him he had a visitor he looked a lot better... he lost his hair those black curls.. but he hid it wearing a baseball cap..considering for the past couple of month he had been having his chemo treatments.... the good news is his tumour had shrunk a bit so maybe surgery is a possibility.. just need to go for an MRI next week .. at least from next week he will have a break from the chemo he was happy he was more excited that in a couple of weeks he was going to see his favourite band in concert and also meet his favourite idols..the meet and greet that was going to be fun as his carer i have to be with him at all times... i haven't told Chris that i know Jared..i just didn't want to over excite him...oh my god the questions...but when that meet and greet happens..don't want to think about it.. and i just don't want any special favours..

"hey Chris hows it going mate" i said

"hey Dani... i'm good.. this is my friend Eric he is from Munich

"Hello" said Eric..he was a tall young man with blonde hair he had an undercut hair style long bit slicked back he wore thick black frames and had a piercing through the side of his bottom lip and big piecing on both his earlobes not to big.. and he had a quiet a few tattoos... some of them very familiar the 30 seconds to mars glyphs like the one Shannon has on his arm... a big Triad.. provehito in altum the 30 seconds to Mars Motto 'launch forth into the deep" well there are some other meanings...

Yes i have been doing my mars home work... i started by listening to the albums...i started with their self titled album.. As Chris says like with Dr Who you can't skip 9 its the same with Mars you can't skip the first album it was a bit weird listening to Jared sing as i'm used to him being the actor...but i watched the video clip Capricorn watching it a few times i was able to separate Jared from actor to musician me Jared seemed to separate himself from each thing he does.. Actor, Musician, Director, Producer, Businessman, Humanitarian, Goofball and Sex God..But puts in 110% into each role he does... I really like the first album... Back home if I heard this album instant fan.. i love my alternative music...and holy fuck can his brother Shannon bang those drums i totally get when Chris say he is the heart beat of the band... Shannon gives life to every song Fallen and Buddha for Mary are my faves on that album...then I listened to Beautiful Lie...The Kill epic i remember this song back home it was on the radio but i never really took noticed the video clip tribute to the movie the shinning...awesome video and Jared director that... he is a very talented man.... the more i divulge into his world the more surprises i get .. i remember seeing their performance at the Australian MTV Music awards on TV.. i looked for the video on youtube...Jared kind of looked sexy with his emo look..Beautiful Lie best album.. so far i loved every song...and i think i'm starting to become a Shangirl.." Definition: Shan Girl.. A female fan of the drummer Shannon Leto from 30seconds to Mars". I'm learning the lingo too.... i have a thing for drummers.. from Ben Gilies, Dave Grohl, Steve Shelley, Tommy Lee. to John Bonham.. my mum back in her day was as she would say a flower child and she used to see a lot of the local band play at pubs club even music festivals she used to date a few drummers.. she say to judge a drummers performance in bed is the way they bang their drums.. and boy can Shannon bang those drums Oh LORDY!...but wait i'm susposed to be a Jared's Girl.... WTF!...i looked at some video footage of some of their interview during that era...I begin to notice how Cute Tomo is...and he is Croatian...i used to date Croatian when i was younger.. back in high school .Eddy his name was.. young love.. he was a good boy i learnt Croatian eastern European men...ah Tomo.. you handsome devil... he plays the violin.. damn it he is married.. then i moved on to the 3rd album this is war.. another epic album.. the just get better and better Kings and Queen my favourite and Stranger in a Strange land Shannon showing he is the master of his craft again ...there was one song i couldn't listen all the way through Alibi... just listening when Jared plays the piano it is such a beautiful melody it really moved me... but when he started to sing.. i just couldn't.... i could feel the tears.. the emotion... it started to make me think.. i was not going seemed like listening to some of the song it stated effect my emotions not on from this album but the previous one too.. it seem like with the melodies and Jared word he is able to touch each senses.. feel each emotion...if this what happens listeningto their albums what are they like live... then i watched closer to the edge video clip... this is insane is that what i'm going to experience live holy fuckballs..then i watched the Hurricane Video Clip...dear God.. totally fucked up but a major turn on... i kinda wish i was the girl Jared was paddling i had a lot of sexy dreams about Jared after watching THAT viedo clip...i listened to their current album love lust faith and dreams... i felt this was more personal different from the other 3 yes it had its epic anthems like do or die and up in the air...but it was definitely personal i got to see all three personalities of each band member... I watched Artifact...i can see how much of a workaholic Jared can be and bit of a control freak... it really opened my eyes about the music industry...and how much it has suffered but i'm glad Jared, Shannon and Tomo won in the end.... i looked at some tumblr sites..Looking at pictures.. i was having a fangirl moment..i really prefer Jared with his Lord of War haircut...or how he looked in then hugo boss commercial... Chris warned me to avoid some sites as he said there are some nasty trolls out there that have it in for Jared...dont believe the gossip... but as i googled ..i went and looked them i was curious but i couldn't help it i was curious of the type of women he used to date.. went on some celebrity dating gossip site.. some of the stuff i read was disturbing... i'm there sitting on my lap top reading this shit... so called groupies tell all romps... hurts like Satan what the fuck? Choking, what the fuck? STD's.. Jared has an 11incher?.. seriously why do they need to know who they are dating..and the hate seriously then i went on to some other sites ...At First i was like hey i can dig this music... started Fan girling then i let the music come part of me.. then i read this in the Whovian Fandom all we talk about is the episode fan girl/boy over the actors..bitch about Moffat... read fan fiction meet at comic conventions no real negativity other than the so called Deeks fans who discover Dr Who like 2 seconds ago try and spoil it but with the Echelon some of them can be cruel...

I spoke to Chris and his friend Eric about these toxic sites...

"Dani what did i say stay away from them" Chris scolded

"Dani...i will tell you something" Eric said then he continue.." these people on those sites.. they are not the Echelon they are abunch of pathectic people who hide behind a computer..we the Echelon...yes we bitch sometime as you may have seen on some tumblr site.. but you Whovians Do too especially about the new Doctors am it right you whovians fell in love with characters? But we the Echelon are family 30 Seconds to Mars are real people 3 guys who made music and has toucher each of our lives.. even saved us from despair fight but we all forgive each other hence the bitching but..we all look at Jared, Shannon and father, brother, uncle, son figures, they are our best friends, boyfriends, husbands, lovers... but the main thing is not matter what their music gives us comfort if we are sad, happy angry, horny, or even sick" Eric said patting Chris's Shoulder...

"thats why i told you to avoid those sites... Dani it's all bullshit.." Chris said

"But it seems like you need to know everything what they are doing what they are eating when they take a dump" i said

Chris and Eric looked at each other..

"do you want to know when Jared Takes a shit?" Eric asked

"dude i don't even want to know what it looks like" answered Chris then he continued" those people on those websites are either obessed fangirls who discovered Mars 2 seconds going to get worse when Jared new movie get out..fucken hell...trolls who hide behind their computers and psychopaths not the will be able to tell the difference when you go to your first concert"

"and another thing" added Eric "Tomo is Married, and both Shannon and Jared yes they are single ...but they do date... well..they haven't lately...because they work alot...but they have never and will never Sleep with the Echelon.. as Jared Says he does not sleep with Family members"

"Okay i got you think i could pass as an Echelon?" i asked...

"Nope you are a Whovian and always be a Whovian but you are my Whovian" said Chris giving me a hug..."but you can be part of the Echelon family as our Whovian Cousin..."

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