Part 11

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It was Wednesday evening thanks to my Friend Marisa's help i was due to see Mr Jared Leto for Coffee in 45mins after my fake work meeting...I received a text message from him earlier that day "LOOKING FORWARD TO TONIGHT SEE YOU #SOON ;)"

There was no way i was getting out of this.. ... both the girls choose my outfit.. pair of denim light blue skinny jeans...white lace ¾ sleeved top, brown jacket and brown leather loafers i had my hair down with some loose curls.. i put on some light natural make up donna said to put on red lipstick... i don't wear bloody red lipstick to work... i think it was a bit much ..but the girls said i have to look like i was just coming from a work meeting...i don't look like this normally for work...i didn't want to make an impression.. it was just wanted to do this date and be done with it... but after seeing Chris yesterday it looked like Mr Leto was going to be part of my life for quite some time...

I popped over to Chris's place yesterday mid morning... i had some unpleasant news to tell him.. i was not going to go with him on his "Mars Adventure" i cant.. after my coffee with Jared planned on not seeing him anymore... and how can i keep my word when Chris planned meet and greets at every concert we were going too.. i would be there seeing Jared every single day after rejecting him...well i would not call's just that i cant .. i cant start seeing someone when i still have feelings for Michael yes he is dead.. but he is alive in my heart...and after what Chloe told me about Jared's situation i don't want to hurt him...

He made me a coffee and i sat on the sofa he brought it over to me

"how was Coachella?" Chris asked

'"it was good had a blast.. the music was fantastic" i replied

"did you see anyone there..celebrities"

"not really" i lied

"Bummer.. I saw pics of the Echelon's Father himself Jared Leto in the gossip sites so stoked that i'm going to meet him this year"

"Speaking of your Mars Adventure.. Chris I cant go with you" I said

"what?... what do you mean you cant go" Chris looked at me upset

"its a generous offer the paid expenses.. and that .. but i have too much going on with my other job.."

"no.. no.. no" Chris Interrupted..." I need you to go you have to go if you don't go i cant go"

"what do you mean you cant go? I asked looking at Chris

"if you don't go i can go.. both mum and dad said" Chris explained

"but you can hire another Carer" I said

"Dani I have something to tell you...Im not well...." Chris said looking down

"What!" i said in shock

"Chris then went on to explain " remember how i having been having a lot of headaches lately.. well they found a tumour ..."

"oh my god.. they are going to do something right" I asked

"well we going... we are going to do Chemo first to shrink the tumour down first then hopefully maybe surgery but it is life threatening the chemo is going to prolong the invent able Dani i'm going to die .... I said to my folks that if i'm not long for this world then first of all i want to go to see Mars live in concert for one last time and meet my hero's ...and then i want to see my Echelon family for the last time and say goodbye especially Dana she live in New Jersey.. she is like a second mum to me.. you see we Echelon we are very close i have so many brothers and sister from all over the world.. i have told only a couple Eric he is from Germany and Lani who lives in San Francisco but the rest i want to see them and tell them personally as we all travel together following the band when they play and i think with my new condition this is going to hit Dana the Hardest... i have to see her so we negioated and we agreed i will go to the concerts on the west coast San Diego, San Jose and Los Angeles but only one concert on the east coast Camden New Jersey were Dana lives...and that you only you go.. as we trust you and you have worked with someone similar to my condition back in Sydney... Hein is that her name?"

I remembered Hien she was a resident at Matilda House back home a sweet little Vietnamese lady she had 9 brain tumours she was constantly in and out of hospital.. she even had part of her skull missing.. she past away 6 mth before i left for Los Angeles she was one of the reasons i left in the first place... hear death really affected me as it was a reminder of Michaels death she was in a bad shape... but died peacefully in the end.

"yes that's right" i said quietly

"Dani i have to do this and with your experience i know i will be fine .. It's my last wish and i can only do it with you.. Please don't say no"

I looked at him..."ok i'll go with you... I promise"

Chris was not only a client to me who is my friend too...i cant deal with another death.. but i have to remain strong for his sake...

"thanks Mate" Chris Said...

A Wibbley Wobbly Timey Wimey Mars AdventureTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon