Part 1

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As i sat down on the lounge watching the TV for the new year countdown it was 11:58pm a cold night here in Los Angeles i was at my friends Alisa place she and her husband Jeff were having their annual new yrs eve party every year since they were married they would always put on a themed new yrs eve party this year was my first party since meeting Alisa at the St Claire's Home for the Disabled 9 mths ago this year was Mexican fiesta i had my poncho with my sombrero hat on and my fake mustash and a Corona in my right hand Jeff and Alisa went full out Alisa in her tradition Mexican fiesta dress absolutely gorgeous Jeff as one of the three amigos...i say the yanks go full on with their costumes ... i moved from Sydney to Los Angeles 9 mths ago for a fresh start it has been nearly 2 yrs since i lost my fiancé Michael to that fateful car accident a week before we were supposed to wed it took along to get over the grief i lost the love of my life and being at home i just couldn't do it was too painful as i had too many memories there to remind of what i had lost.. i had the opportunity through Matilda House to work with their sister company Angel Care USA St Claire's to work as an occupational therapist through sponsorship (i gain my qualifications after Mick passed away) i'm in the process of getting permanent residency as i like it here in the City of Angeles... Alisa is a registered nurse at St Claire's we became friends instantly...She too is a Whovian i first noticed when she we first met in the lunch room she was having coffee in her Tardis Mug and she saw my Tardis iPhone Cover we looked at each other and hummed the Dr Who theme... "ooohhhh weeee ooohhhh...." we have made it a ritual that we meet up at each other place and watch BBC America watch the latest Dr Who episodes... at the moment we just went through the first season the newly regenerated Doctor or as we Whovians call it the Matt Smith Era... Alisa is absolutely in love with him i don't know how her Hubby Jeff feels about that... but then again he is a Marvel fan and loves the black widow Scarlett Johansson.. He is ok i guess but he is no David Tennant .. but there is one thing both Alisa and i agree on Tom Baker is the best Doctor of all time.. anyway i was sitting on the lounge and Alisa sat beside giving me a shot of tequila everyone gathered around the TV it was 11:59pm "okay guys we have one more minute to go everyone got their tequilas " said Jeff then everyone started of the countdown "10...9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2....1... Happy New Year!"... we all took our shots and hugged each other and the party really got started... Alisa gave me another tequila shot.. it was going to get messy...that how i started the year 2013 this year was going to be an exciting year i could feel it...

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