Part 25

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It was Sunday morning 8am i was sitting at my dining table having a coffee.. it has been over a week.. Chris was still in was drifting in and out of conciseness the times he was awake.. he recognised me but he was not making sense .. he mainly talked about Mars and the Echelon and that he was going to the concert in LA... When i see people when they are at the last stages.. All i wish for them is to go in peace and with no pain.. but as Chris's mother said he is stubborn and he is putting up a fight he wants to see 30 Seconds to Mars in Concert once again for the last time...

Form the moment when Mrs Skafe told me the Chris had not long to go .. i called Dana.. she was on the first plight from Jersey to LA immediately.. i offered her to stay at my place she has been mainly at the hospital by at Chris's side...I called Eric... he too came back he skipped the other concerts...he wanted to be with his friends.. Lani was informed she too drove all the way to LA for support as well

I called Jared..he wanted to come straight to LA.. but i told him to continue with the concerts.. There was not much he could do just only to pray he informed Shannon and Tomo.. they are absolutely devastated...I met Tomo's wife Vicki.. she has popped over to the hospital a few times she is such a sweet and adorable person we had Coffee a few times we talked a lot about music... She is really into her Hip Hop scene...I lent her my Hilltop Hoods album they are an Australian Hip Hop Group and a few other Australian Underground Hip Hop groups... she really enjoyed their music...... she snuck in her dog Dink into the hospital one day.. Chris was awake he absolutely loved it "Dink!..."he said .. the little pooch is so cute...

This was a very hard week on the outside i tried to remain strong.. but in the inside.. Chris's situation was tearing me apart....

I was expecting Jared to be here very soon actually now..

Then i heard a knock on the door i went to the front door.. there was Jared he burst in quickly picked me up and gave me a long passionate kiss... then he put me down kissing me after every word he was saying to me.. "i.. missed" then he gave me this warm hug...

He looked at me.. "are you ok"

I felt tears welling up my eyes..." i wasn't before but now i am" i sobbed...

He held me very tight as he comforted me.. "i am here now" then he looked at me... as who wiped the tears with his thumbs

" you know how you were telling me how Chris was talking about how he was looking forward to seeing the concert tonight all this week while he has been in hospital" he said

"well you know that is impossible now.. Jared i just want him to be at peace .. but he is still fighting " i replied

"Dani he is an Echelon and a very stubborn one too... he want to see Mars live one more time.. and well if he can't come to the concert tonight the concert will go to him" Jared Said

"what are you saying?" i looked at him confuse

"I'm saying get yourself ready you are going to see a live acoustic performance 30 seconds to Mars in just under an hour" Jared said with a smile...

In Chris's hospital room.. Jared , Tomo and their bassist Stevie were sitting with there guitars Shannon brought in his bongo and acouple of other percussion instruments sitting around Chris's bed were Eric, Lani and Dana, Amanda, Taylor, and Becky who i met in San Diego and Tori and Vlad the Russian couple were there too plus a couple of other Echelon, Chris was lying there with a big grin on his face.. even though he is weak but there was still that tiny little burst of energy... his parents were sitting right next to him.. Jared looked at Chris..." this performance is dedicated to you Wheels we will play whatever you want" Chris smile i watch as 30 Seconds to Mars began their performance... these were the following Chris had chosen all of his favourites they started off with Bright Lights... Night of the Hunter, This is War, City of Angles, The Kill, Hurricane, Buddha for Mary, Capricorn, Closer to the Edge and Kings and Queens.. as i sat there watching this beautiful interment performance we all sang together every verse ..every chorus there were hugs .. laughter Jared forgot one of the lyrics of one of the songs... it was not just some band doing something generous out of Charity.. Chris was family and this was their way of saying goodbye to a brother... In Chris's final hours of being on this earth.. he was surrounded by his family not just his mum and dad.. But his brothers , sisters, surrogate mum... the Echelon.... and his hero's.. his favourite band and that was Thirty Seconds to Mars.

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