Part 5

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We arrived at at La Quinta Resort at exact 9:30am we were waiting in the reception area and then finally the bell boy grabbed our suit cases and took us to the villa were we were staying.. we entered the villa.. it was absolutely beautiful... worth every penny..we all choose a room and got settled...we all changed into our bikini's and headed to the pool whilst catchin some sun i looked at my clock" its almost 11:00am should we head out to the festival..." i said "yeah its almost beer a clock time to get ready" said Marisa... so all went back to the villa had showers and got ready we all decided that during the Coachella festivities we were going in honour of our hippy mothers who went to Music festival like this back home.. back in the day its all about flower power man... but with an Aussie twist... Donna work a beautiful maxi dress with cute leather sandals and a chain headpiece... Marisa wore her old Choirboys concert t-shirt she made some alterations cutting the sleaves off and you could see her read bra from the side... black and white pattern tights and converse sneaker and her fedora hat.. Sonie in her Hippy yoga pants and a white lacey crop top and a flower reef head band i was wearing my ripped denim daisy dukes my cold chisel singlet my brown steel capped boots and wrapped my flannelette shirt around my waist we looked hipster enough... We got to the festival around 12:30pm we went to get a drink and then checked the schedule of who was p[laying it was so surreal and i think the girls and i were abit start struck as we saw alot of celebrities... well Sonie kept on spotting them out.. we Saw Rob Patterson with Kristen Stewart, Katy Perry the Jonas Brothers well two of them at least..and even Leonardo Dicaprio but as i said to the girls let not bug them let them be we are here to have a good time we went to see some local bands playing get our drink on.. it was so fun and this was day one...we had a lot of college guys trying to pick us up which was funny "you are from Australia that's so cool" " love your accent it's sexy" there was this one guy who asked "do you know Hugh Jackman?" Sonie said he was her Uncle she was obviously bullshitting but he believed her.. go figure.... "i'm getting peckish let find something to eat" said Donna.. so we went to the Mexican food stand the girls were already in line as they already decided what they wanted.. i was still thinking.. looked at the menu... beef nacho's ...done.. went up the counter to order.. the girl at the counter said "hey there what can i get ya mame " One corona with Lime and Beef nachos minus the black beans extra sour cream but no Guacamole please" "WHAT! No Guacamole that's blasphemy " said a male voice behind me.. I turned around and there he was looking at me with his piercing baby blue eyes, he had a real cheeky grin on his face he was wearing a black hat...grey shirt and a black jacket i recognised his face the moment i saw it ...his face was unshaven and you could see alittle ponytail under his hat " i moved out of the way he and his friend went up to the counter.. his friend he was wearing a white singlet and grey skinny jeans and he had wild and crazy wild curly hair ....Baby blues went up to the counter and said " i'll have some vegan Nacho's with extra beans and salsa and defiantly guacamole extra guacamole actually gimmie her Guacamole" pointing at me " and a mineral water thanks hun" then his friend made his order... I just keeped on looking at baby blue like a stun mallet i knew who he was "Mame... Mame.." someone was calling me i look up at the counter the girl was handing my meal... baby blue and his friend too got their meals.. We walked out of the way i looked at baby blues again... "oh my god you are that hot guy from the movie Lord of War!" " baby blue turned to his friend and said with a chuckle... "did you hear that Jamie i'm the hot guy from Lord of War" his friend laughed "hey hot guy from Lord of War".. then i heard Sonie voice from the background " My apologies Mr Leto.. my friend does not get out much" " hello ladies... please call me Jared and this sexy hairy beast is Jamie" Jared said.." Hi i'm Sonie these are my friends Donna, Marisa and Dani" we all said hello and both Jared and Jamie shook our hands.. Jared shook my hand last as we shook he looked at me again hypnotising me with his blue eyes.."Pleasure to meet you..." He paused "Dani...." "likewise.." it looked like we had an extra two people joining us for lunch as we sat at a bench nearby "so ladies hows things down under? " Jared asked... Donna replied "fine thanks.. hey weren't you there recently?" "yes i was just a quick visit, where about are you from" jared said.. "we are from Sydney but Dani here she currently reside here in Los Angeles " said Sonie.. Jared looked at me..."where about in Los Angeles?

"just a small place in Santa Monica quiet area.. but nice" i relplied... "nice what do you do?" asked Jared " I work as an Occupational Therapist for Angel Care USA St Claire's Home for the Disabled and a part time Carer for another department of Angel Care USA doing home care with the disabled" i said "wow .. that is a real noble profession that you do.. Must have its challenges" said Jared "yeah it does but i do get its rewards... the satisfaction that i get to help people " i replied... Jamie said what about you ladies... "high school teacher English" Said Marisa, "Buisness owner a florist actually" said Sonie... "Chef" said Donna.. "wow all unique professions ladies" Jared Said... "so how long are you here in the city of Angels " Jared ask " they are here for two week this weekend here at Coachella they leave the following Tuesday" i said... "well i hope you ladies have a great time... said Jared... " hey the next band is playing soon the yeah yeah yeahs" said Sonie " is it ok that Myself and Jamie join you? Asked Jared..."sure " the girls said..we left the bench and made way to the Yeah yeah yeahs show .....

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