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"What do you mean?" Robin sat up a little, worried look on his face and she placed her hand on his arm.

"I don't want a pretend relationship," she said hoping he got the idea though she was pretty straight foreword.

"I think I understand," he sighed.

"What's the matter?" Regina spoke, eyebrows furrowing.

"I just shouldn't have introduced you to Roland. I don't know what I'm going to tell him now. Not trying to make you feel guilty, I mean, I did tell you that you had the option of leaving whenever you want," he said backing up feeling she might be uncomfortable being that close to him.

Regina grabbed his hand," no I don't want to leave. I mean I want to have a real relationship with you. Real feelings, real dates, real kisses, I want it all. I-I just don't know if you want the same."

Regina put her head down.

Oh my god! This can't be happening. Geez, I had thought a real relationship would be the last thing she wanted. How do I put this into words, without it being overwhelming or to much due to the fact that she just admitted it. I don't want to scare her away.

Robin put his thumb under her chin bringing it up and kissing her passionately. This one was different, not for show or practice but an actual real kiss with emotions flowing behind it.

"Oh thank god. I thought it was just me, I didn't want to say anything cause I thought you only thought this was apart of the agreement," he said when they pulled apart.

She couldn't do anything but smile and stare at him. The time was cut short by her alarm clock signifying that she had to get ready for work. She sighed and laid on her back. Robin knew what she was thinking and when she opened her mouth to speak he cut her off.

"I know you don't want to go, but I think you must. Plus I'll see you later," he added.

"Yeah at like five o' clock," she said annoyed knowing that she didn't have much of a choice to go to work or not.

"Before that I promise."

"But I'm in the hospital today, not the office. So that means I get to be the in to deliver bad news and watch family members get upset," she furrowed her eyebrows," sometimes my job can be so emotionally tiring."

"Well, think about all the more joy you get when you come home to Roland and I," Robin rubbed her arm.

She just smiled and got out of the bed, feeling Robins eyes scanning her. He examined her calves, curves and every piece of skin showing. She was beautifully toned, it made him wonder when she had time to actually work out. Since they'd been married he had never seen her actually workout. That was something for later, so he mentally noted to ask.

While Regina was in the bathroom preparing herself for the day ahead, her phone rang. Robin called her to tell that it was ringing but she just told him to answer it for her. He picked up the phone reading the name 'Cora'.

Cora? Why does she have her mothers name as 'Cora'? Doesn't matter, I guess. This defiantly shows that Regina doesn't see her as much of a mother. Or maybe it's just easier that way.

"Hello?" He answered.

"Hi," she spoke," who's this?."

"This is Robin, can I help you?"

"As you can see I called my daughter, so I'd probably like to speak to her," the woman remarked.

"Hold on," Robin went over to the bathroom door," Regina it's your mother she'd like to speak to you."

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