Chapter 3: Game of Hide and seek

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Hotch storms into the station, followed by his team, and walks up to the sheriff. "We believe the unsub has changed his and her targets." Hotch states.

"Why is that?" The sheriff asks.

"Because of the fact I have now received three notes from them and Reid had now gotten one from the female unsub." Hotch explains. "Have you or any of the other officers received these kinds of notes?" He asks.

"Me no." The sheriff states. "The others, I have no clue. If they have they haven't told me." He explains.

Hotch turns around to face his team. Morgan looks from Hotch to Reid. "You two are targets now?" He asks.

Reid doesn't answer, out of exhaustion. But Hotch surely does. "Yes." He storms pass his team. "We've been targets before the case." He adds. Reid follows Hotch as he walks into the discussion room.

The team turns to one another, confused, shocked, and horrified. "I thought the unsubs went after children?" Morgan asks.

"Maybe they find them threats." Rossi suggests.

"Looks like we will be having a difficult case." Morgan comments and walks into the discussion room. Garcia is upon the screen, talking to Hotch and Reid.

"These murders are played out exactly like the stories." Garcia states while looking over the pictures and the stories.

"Every detail?" Reid asks.

"Every." Garcia replies. "You boys better stay on your toes cause it seems that its true, you two are indeed targets." She states, unpleased.

Reid walks out of room, quickly. "Reid?" Prentiss tries to stop him.

"Don't." Reid states with a crack voice.

"Garcia, see what else you can get us on these unsubs." Hotch orders.

"Will do sir." She replies. "And sir?"

"Yes Garcia?" Hotch replies.

"Please be careful, you and Reid both." She pleads.

"Don't worry your pretty little head, mama." Morgan steps in. "I'll make sure they will be fine." He then goes after Reid.

"Don't worry Garcia, Just do your job and we will be safe." Hotch insists and ends the call.

"You and Reid might want to consider hiding For a bit." Rossi suggests.

"We never worried about This before, we wont This time." Hotch replies.

Rossi shakes his head in shame. "Hotch, its affecting the kid too." He states.

"I know." Hotch replies and sighs. "That's why we need to finish This case now."

"Hotch the kid literally can't sleep." Rossi states.

"David, I know!" Hotch barks. "I'm going to solve This and make sure no one else will get hurt."

"Hotch..." JJ tries to jump in.

"Not another word." Hotch orders and pulls out the files. "Get Morgan and Reid back here so we can begin."

Rossi shakes his head and goes to retrieve the two agents.

Prentiss looks at Hotch, unable to believe what she had just witness. "Hotch..."

"Another word of trying to hide Reid and I and I swear I will send you back to the BAU." Hotch threatens. "Because either way, Reid will not sleep while in hiding, I will still receive these notes." He explains. "I will still get little sleep. Either way, we are never gonna be safe."

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