Chapter 6: I'm coming

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Morgan arrives at the nearest hospital. "We need help!" He calls out and is met by doctors ready to go and take Reid away from him. "I also need help, my team is trapped with two killers at the police station." He explains to the nearest police officer.

"The station is under attack?" An officer asks.

"Yes and these two are crazy. Reid and I barely escaped." Morgan explains.

"I need all available units come back to the station as soon as possible. We got a 5150, 187, 245, and code 20." The officer states into his radio. "You coming?" He asks Morgan.

"I need to stay with Reid." Morgan insists.

The officer nods and quickly leaves.

Morgan pulls out his cell phone and quickly calls Garcia. "Oh my god finally!" She answers. "I have been trying to reach you and no one and I mean no one has answered their cell phones." She starts going off.

"Garcia, We were under attacked by the unsubs." He explains.

"Who were they?" She asks.

"Jeff and Jane the killers." He answers, not even believing it for himself. "They came at us from no where and Reid barely got away. Jj was taken by Jeff and Prentiss, I don't know if it was Jane or Jeff that got her. Hotch and Rossi, I have no clue what has happened to them." He explains.

"Oh my god. I will be there soon to see my sweets." She states.

"Reid will like that." Morgan assures her.

"I will be there soon." She promises and hurries off.

Morgan goes to the waiting room and starts pacing, worried.

Garcia shows up an hour later along with the rest of the team. "Oh thank god!" He runs up to them and embraces them. "Are you guys alright?" He asks.

"Yes are you?" Prentiss asks.

"I'm not sure." He admits. "I'm worried about Reid."

"Still no word?" JJ asks.

"No word." Morgan admits and starts pacing again. But he stops as soon as he sees a doctor approach.

"Derek Morgan?" Morgan nods. "Reid is alright, he will live, the blade caused some damage to his lung but nothing we couldn't fix." He assures.

"Can we see him?" Morgan asks.

"Of course but please keep it down." The doctor asks.

They go into the room and Reid is awake. "Jj! Prentiss!" He calls out and is embraced by them. "Garcia?!" Garcia embraces him next.

"Oh my baby boy." She holds him for a longer period then the others. "I was so worried. So was Morgan but don't ever do that again."

"I'll try." Reid replies.

All the good feeling is washed away when Hotch must explain something. "Jane and Jeff got away."

"What?" Reid asks petrified.

"They just disapeared." Rossi states.

"They are coming." Reid starts to freak out. "They are coming back!"

"Reid calm down." Morgan and Garcia are on both his sides. "We are going to stay here with you." He insures.

Reid nods and looks to the other team members. "We are going to join the officers to look for them." Hotch states, referring to JJ, Prentiss, himself, and Rossi.

An hour passes and Reid is put under after a panic attack. Morgan and Garcia stay and wait for word from the others.

"He's out like a light." Garcia comments.

"Yeah well its from the sleeping drugs they gave him, otherwise he won't sleep." Morgan points out.

Garcia nods, knowing what he means.

The lights start to deem and flicker. Garcia looks to Morgan, scared. "This isn't go-" before he can finish the lights go out throughout the hospital. "Shit!" He mumbles loudly. The back up generators start running. Reid wakes up.

"What's happening?" He asks.

A doctor comes running in and checks on Reids machines.

"Everything okay?" Morgan asks.

"Someone cut our main power source wires and snuck in." The doctor states. "The police watching the place thinks it's the killers after you and your friend here." He explains. The three agents look at one another afraid.

The doctor runs out of the room to go check on other patients.

Morgan kneels down infront of the door to Reids room.

"What are you doing?" Garcia asks.

"Setting a trap." Morgan answers and closes the door then the blinds.

Reid sits up in a panic. "Morgan that isn't going to stop them." He states. "Remember the shelf didn't stop them."

"I'm not going down without a fight and neither should you. So I'm going to try all I got." Morgan explains and readies his gun. He grabs Reids and hands it to Garcia.

"Oh no." She starts up. "I won't touch it." She states.

"Mama you gotta." Morgan tries to insist. Reid grabs the gun from him instead.

"I can shoot." He states and turns the safety off.

Garcia pulls out her phone to call Hotch but as soon as she does she recieved a picture of Jeff holding a knife covered in blood, standing in front of a bloody message saying "I'm coming." She screams and drops her phone.

"What?" Morgan asks.

"Look!" She cries out.

Morgan picks up the phone and sees the picture. "This guy is a sick bastard." He states in rage.

"Who's blood is that?" Garcia asks.

"I dont know but I know for a fact it's not anyone from the team." Morgan answers.

The door to Reids room is hit by something hard, causing the three to jump. "What was that?" Reid asks.

Morgan shush them and slowly makes his way to the windows around the door to look. He moves the blinds to look. That's when Jeff's face appears on the window, with that creepy pale face of his, smearing blood all over the window. Garcia and Reid scream while Morgan jumps back.

"I'm here! I found you!" Jeff calls out.

"Oh god oh god oh god." Garcia bursts into tears and covers her eyes.

Jeff begins to bang on the window with his head and with the handle of the knife. "No use running!" He calls out.

The glass breaks, allowing Jeff inside the room. Reid and Morgan open fire at Jeff sending him right to the floor.

When the stopped Garcia looks and asks, "Is he dead?"

Morgan slowly makes his way over to Jeff's still body. As soon as he looks and turns away to face Reid and Garcia. "Morgan!" Reid calls out as soon as he sees Jeff move. Morgan spins around and pushes Jeff away. He runs up to stand infront if Garcia and Reid, pointing his gun.

"Freeze!" They hear JJ shout. Jeff turns around and then runs to the other window. He jumps up and breaks through.

"What the hell?" JJ asks and looks down and sees Jeff running into the forest behind the hospital. "He's gone. But where is Jane?"

"Not here." Prentiss answers as she runs into the room. "Are you guys alright?" She asks.

"Yeah, we are a bit shucked up but alright." Morgan answers. There lays a note next to Reids bed.

"I'm coming back for you.


Reid looks to Garcia, exhausted. "Jane won't let me sleep, Jeff is coming after me, and both are trying to kill me." He states in disbelief.

Garcia looks up to Morgan in sadness. Morgan giving her the same look.

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