Chapter 4: I found you

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Reid and Morgan wait till they hear Jeff's footsteps disapear so they can run out of the room and find a better hiding spot.

JJ and Prentiss hear footsteps coming their way. Then a knife as it glides across the wall. They hold their breathes, hoping that they wouldn't be found.

The footsteps stop at the door, feeling their hearts pounding and sweat dripping, they wait to see if the unsub will Just walk away. Then they hear another set of footsteps.

"Jeff!" It sounded like an unhappy woman.

"Jane?!" The one called Jeff calls out in shock. "What are you doing?! This is my hunt!" He shouts.

"You cheated!" Jane shouts back. "Why do you do that?" She asks.

Jj looks over at Prentiss who is equally confused as she was.

"You said This is a fair game to see who can kill the most of these FBI Agents, and you took a head start!" Jane barks.

"Well I did and didn't, see I killed two already, but they weren't my targets." Jeff laughs.

Jj looks to Prentiss wide eyed and mouths, "what? He killed Rossi and Hotch?" All Prentiss could do was shrug and listens some more.

"Cheater." Jane states and they hear a shoving. "First one to kill Spencer gets to kill his hiding buddy." Jane states as she walks off into another hall.

Jeff is about to leave the cleaning closet, but hears movement inside. He swings the door open.

"Hello." He greats JJ face to face. JJ screams and begins to panic as she tries to push him off of her and run For it.

Prentiss notices that Jeff didn't notice her, so she quickly jumped out of the closet and went another way. Knowing she needed to find Morgan and Reid before she can help JJ.

She hears JJ screaming again and then nothing. She starts to worry if Jeff has killed her.

She end up back at the ballpin. She hears talking in the briefing room. "Hotch? Rossi?" She whispers.

"Prentiss." Hotch responds. "The door won't open." Prentiss is overwhelmed with relief, knowing that they are alive still.

"The handle is jammed." Prentiss replies trying to unjam the handle.

"Where is Reid, Morgan, and JJ?" Rossi asks.

"Jeff has JJ." Prentiss answers. "I dont know where Reid and Morgan are." She adds. She tries again, to unjam the handle. "They both want to kill Reid for the thrill of it."

Hotch looks back to Rossi, stunned, both are just stunned.

"Get us out of here now!" Hotch orders.

Prentiss tries to unjam the handle but hears footsteps coming. "Shit..." She mumbles and hides behind a desk.

Rossi and Hotch stop moving and quietly step back from the door.

Jane looks around the room and taps her knife onto the desk.

Prentiss covers her mouth and nose, so that no one could hear her breathing. She feels her heart racing each step Jane takes. She starts to walk pass the hiding spot Prentiss is at, each step making Prentiss ' s heart pound. When it's almost clear and Prentiss thinks she is home free, he cell phone goes off. "Shit!" She mumbles under her breath and tries to silence it. "Why is it we can't call for help but others can text me?" She asks herself in a whisper. Jane's footsteps get closer, each click of those black heels sending Prentiss in a frenzy to determine whether or not to run at this moment. "Screw it." She mumbles and is about to make a break for it till Janes attention is pulled away from Prentiss ' s hiding spot. The sound of two cell phones going off, in the room Hotch and Rossi are in.

"Is this where he hide the bodies?" Prentiss hears Jane ask herself outloud. She listens as Jane tries to open the jammed door. This was here chance. She quietly and slowly crawls out from under the desk and goes behind another one, the furthest away from Jane. She turns the brightness down on her phone and checks to see who was able to message her, maybe she can get a message out to them for help.

That is ruined fast; the message is from none other than Jeff the killer. A picture of JJ gagged with a knife by her face. Then there is the creepy pale man named Jeff, with that huge grin and no eyelided face. "Shit, he has her." Prentiss whispers to herself, forgetting the crazy woman was in the same area as her.

Hotch and Rossi look at the message and see the same thing as Prentiss. "Shit!" Hotch mumbles to himself. They hear a scream as soon as they can figure out what has happened to their team.

Prentiss looks up from where she is hiding and screams as soon as she sees Jane.

Morgan and Reid hear the scream from the way back of the station. "That sounded like Prentiss." Reid states. Morgan nods and feels his phone go off. He checks it and sees the picture that was sent. Reids phone vibrates aswell and before he can check his Morgan stops him.

"You don't want to see it." He states, earning a confused look from Reid.

"Morgan now I do need to." He states and pulls his phone away. He sees the picture the others got aswell. "He has JJ." He whispers in disbelief. Morgan looks over into the other hall where he hears footsteps.

"We need to keep moving." Morgan states and pulls Reid by the arm.

Hotch and Rossi finally break the handle and escape the locked room. Prentiss is no where insight. "We need to find Reid and Morgan." Hotch states. Rossi nods in agreement and follows Hotch in the darkness.

Hotch grabs ahold of his gun from his hidden holster and hands Rossi the other on. "They might be already outside." Rossi tries suggesting.

"Doors are blocked." Hotch points out. "Plus if Reid and Morgan left, they would come back with help by now." He adds.

"That's true." Rossi agrees and follows. They hear heels clicking and quickly duck into another room.

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