Chapter 5: now you're it

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Morgan and Reid both quietly and quickly make their way through the station and end up back in the ballpin. Morgan sees the locked door is open. "Either Hotch and Rossi got out or Jeff or Jane has them." He states.

"I hope it's the first suggestion." Reid states and looks into the room.

"Reid." Morgan calls in a whisper from where Prentiss was hiding. "Prentiss ' s phone." He holds it up. "Jeff or Jane must have gotten to her. That's why we heard her screaming." He states.

Reid looks to Morgan unpleased. "They have JJ and Prentiss now." He states. "Sending pictures of torturing them or threatening them and I can't say I will take it." He starts up.

"Kid, understandable, but you are the genius, think before you act." Morgan insists.

"Morgan he has JJ and possibly Prentiss." Reid argues.

"I know." Morgan tries to keep Reid quiet. "But we can't just go in blind." He explains.

"Morgan." Reid tries to argue back. But Morgan stops him.

"Shh." Morgan orders and listens. There were faint footsteps. "Get down." Morgan orders and gently pushes Reid down and under a desk.

"Ow, Morgan." Reid whispers but is cut off by Morgan's hand that covers his mouth. They sit under the desk, waiting, and listening. The footsteps were soft but close by. They were men's shoes that were worn out. Morgan removes his hand from Reid mouth and brings a finger up to his lips in a shushing way. Reid nods and keeps quiet. Morgan leans down a but to get a look at who it is. It's not Jane but Jeff. He is back to facing Reid and whispers.

"Its Jeff." He states. Reid went from curious to absolutely horrified. They listen to make sure if Jeff has left the room or not.

"So of a bitch!" Jeff calls out and starts hitting the wall. "No! no! no! Not fair! Not fair!" He shouts out and storms around the room.

"He's throwing a fit." Morgan whispers in disbelief.

"Jeff has a slight temper." Reid whispers.

"Thank you captain obvious." Morgan whispers back. He checks the ballpin again. "He's gone." He whispers. "If we are moving out we better do it now." He states and goes first to check around the room. He nods saying it's clear. Reid comes out from under the desk and grabs his gun, ready to go.

"Its getting darker." Reid whispers, realizing this.

"Kid." Morgan leads the way. "No is not the time to be afraid of the dark." He states.

"Oh yeah cause two killers running around in the dark, targeting us, isn't something to be afraid of?" Reid asks.

"Good point." Morgan thinks about it. "Dont have a panic attack on me then." He orders. Reid says nothing; he follows Morgan into the next hall.

They don't say a word to one another. They keep making their way through the hall and towards the exit. Morgan tries to open the door but the door was jammed. Reid looks back at the door from watching the halls. "Try picking the lock." He whispers.

"The lock is destroyed. Jane and Jeff seriously didn't want us getting out." Morgan replies. "Reid what is Janes and Jeff's weakness?" He asks.

"Not that I know of." Reid answers and turn his attention back to the hall. "Morgan we need to go." Reid states.

"What?" Morgan asks.

"Now." Reid states and pulls Morgan with him. Morgan looks to see that Jeff is following them and Jane is not far behind. Reid pulls Morgan for a short time till Morgan then took the lead and pulled Reid into a small room. He takes a shelf and shoves it infront of the door. Jane and Jeff begin to pound on the door, causing the door to shift and move, making the shelf move and rock.

Reid and Morgan press their backs against the wall across from the door, trying to keep as far away from the door as possible, and think of something.

"Open the fucking door!" They hear Jeff shout as another pound on the door cause the shelf to fall. The door opens only a crack. Allowing Janes and Jeff's arms to slip through to help them move the door.

Reid then starts shaking and shuts his eyes. He presses himself up against the wall even more; stuck by pure fear.

Morgan tries to move the shelf by up but the banging and pounding by Jeff and Jane. "Shit." He mumbles and looks at Reid.

Reid could feel his heart racing and finding it hard to breath.

"Reid." Morgan tries to gain his attention.

"We have to get out of here." Reid states.

"Yeah I know." Morgan replies. "But the question is, how?"

And as if on cue, Jane and Jeff disapear from the crack of the door. They started to argue.

"He was mine first!" Jeff screams out.

"You spoiled little fuck." Jane states. "You are killing for the thrill." She states.

"I'm trying to save him from reality!" He screams back.

"I am trying to save him from you!" She shouts back.

Morgan looks over at the window. Then leans over to Reid. "The window, if we open it, we can go get help." Reid nods and allows Morgan to slip infront of him and try to open the window.

He gets it open enough for both of them to slip right through. As soon as Morgan is out of the window he tries to get Reid to do it. "Come on." He urges. Reid hears Jane and Jeff's arguing come to a halt and realizes they know. The door crashes open and Reid tries to get out of the window, but Jeff grabs his ankles and tries to pull him back in.

"Morgan!" Reid calls out. Morgan grabs ahold of Reids hands and pulls him free. Reid and Morgan both fall onto the ground and try to scoot as far away as possible from Jeff and Jane, who try to reach out the window towards them.

As soon as Morgan thinks they are a safe distance away, he helps Reid up. As soon as Reid is up on his feet, he falls back to the ground, in pain. Morgan looks at his hands that are now covered in blood. "Reid!" He quickly rolls Reid over and pulls him into his arms and looks at his side that holds one of the killer's knives. The blade was in the whole way, only the handle was showing.

"How bad is it?" Reid asks.

"Not deep. not deep." Morgan lies.

"Doesn't feel like it." Reid chokes on his own blood.

"Hang in there pretty boy." Morgan pleads. "I will get you to the hospital." He insures. He picks Reid up into his arms and rushes to the nearest place. Trying not to remove the blade so he doesn't bleed out.

"Now you're it!" Jeff screams out as he watches them run.

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