Chapter 7: Killer vs Killer

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Reid is allowed to leave the hospital. They only allowed it because Hotch raised a fuss, saying if they don't they are responsible for if he is murdered. None of them wanted to have that on their hands, so they allowed it.

Morgan and Garcia kept to Reids sides, helping him to the SUV and back to the hotel. "What if we take him home?" Morgan asks Garcia.

"They would most likely follow." She answers.

"How do we get rid of them?" Morgan asks, mostly to himself.

"You have to get them to fully attack one another." Reid states.

"How are we going to do that?" Morgan asks.

"Give them what they want." Reid replies.

"Reid that's you and I won't be doing that." Morgan growled.

"Morgan I-"

"Not up for debate." Morgan interrupts and closes the door.

"What are we going to do?" Garcia asks.

"I dont know." Morgan breathes out. "Let's just get him to the hotel." He states. "Hotch as everything else handled."

"I thought Jeff was after Hotch aswell?" Garcia asks confused.

"Just Jeff, Jane has no interest in Hotch for all we know." Morgan answers.

"Why is that pyscho, crazy, woman after our baby boy?" Garcia asks, outraged at Jane.

"You tell me mama." Morgan replies. "You read the stories don't know?"

"Right umm..." She thinks about it for a minute. "Hotch doesn't resemble a kid." She thinks about it. "Reid does." She looks up, totally broken. "Morgan, she isn't going to stop until she thinks she has saved him from Jeff or Jeff supposedly save him from reality." She states.

"Exactly." Morgan mumbles in disbelief. "He needs rest, let's just get him to the hotel like Hotch wants us. You two need to sleep I'll keep watch." He insists. Garcia nods and gets into the SUV.

They arrive at the hotel. "Reid you and Garcia are going to go in the room and sleep. I'm staying out here to keep watch." Morgan states.

"No Morgan i-"

"Kid, get in that room and go get some sleep. You look like complete shit." Morgan states, not wanting to debate.

Reid gives up and goes into the room with Garcia.

An hour passes and Morgan is still keeping watch.

Garcia is sound asleep and Reid is asleep but he isn't sound.

A low, almost a whisper, voice starts singing in Reids ear. "Hush,little baby,don't say a word,
Mama's gonna cath you a mockingbird.
And if that mockingbird won't sing,
You don't have to worry about a thing.
For if that mockingbird is swift,
Mama's gonna bring you another gift.
A heart of red,a knife of brass,
Mama sees your gift through the looking glass.
So sleep my little one,don't fret,
Mama's gonna bring you the best gift yet.
And if your lucky you'll get to see,
Mama never let's her victim flee.
So close your eyes,and keep them shut.He'll go to sleep,but won't...wake...up..." then a slight laughter wakes Reid, sending up, sitting up, gasping. He tries to catch his breathe, covered in sweat, and his heart pounding in his chest along with his mind racing.

Reid looks over to Garcia, who is still asleep, not a care in the world. He slows down his breathing and tries to slow down his heart rate.

He tries to lay back down to sleep. Shutting his eyes, he focuses on his breathing, knowing Morgan is outside the door.

Reid feels someone else's breath on his ear. Then a creepy voice. "Go to sleep." Whisper in his ear. That's when Reid opens his eyes to Jeff straddling him. "Shhh" Jeff shushes him. Reid, out of fear, shushes and keeps his mouth shut.

Jeff takes a hand full of Reids hair from the back, lifts his head up to the knife, places it right where he wants to begin. "Now you can look as pretty as me." Jeff states in a whisper. "That way when you leave this life you look amazing." He adds.

"Jeff you cheater!" Jane shouts as she walks into the room, heels actually silent on the carpet. She lounges at Jeff, knocking him to the ground. The loud thud walks Gacia.

"Oh my god!" She calls out. "Morgan!"

Morgan comes running into the room to the sight of Jeff and Jane at one another's throat. Jeff pushes Jane off of him and crawls towards Reid, who starts to scoot away from Jeff as fast as he can. "Stop right there!" Morgan barks as Reid is scoots towards Morgan's leg. Jeff freezes and sees the gun.

"Do it." He says. "I dare you." Jane gets to her feet, grabs Jeff by his ankles, and pulls him back. "Stupid bitch!" He calls out and tries to take some swings at her with his knife.

Jane pulls out hers. "Fucking idiot." She states and tries to stab him. They are locked in a who can stab who first.

Morgan is so shocked by the scene that he actually forgets that he has his radio. Reid is so stunned and frightened he doesn't move. Garcia keeps as far from the killers as possible.

Jane screams as Jeff pulls her hair and knocks her into the nightstand head first. Jane takes Jeff by the hair and does the same. He lays there on the floor. Jane gets to her feet. She glares at Morgan, who holds a gun at her. She takes one step.

"Keep back!" Morgan barks. Jane doesn't listen, she takes another step, Morgan barks at her again. "Stay back!" When she doesn't listen he takes fire. She falls to the floor. Jeff looks up and sees Jane on the ground. He hurries to her.

"You asshole!" Jeff shouts. "She was mine!" He screams. "I was to kill her!" He screeches. He takes his knife and sprints towards Morgan, screeching and screaming. But before Morgan could take fire, another gun goes off three times. Sending bullets into Jeff and sending Jeff to the floor. Morgan looks down at Reid who has a pistol in his hand and shaking.

"Oh my god, are you two okay?" Garcia asks as she sprints over to Morgan and Reid. "My baby boys." She kneels infront of Reid and takes the gun from him, embracing him in a tight hug. She strokes his hair. "Shh" She soothes as she feels him shaking and wanting to freak out. That's when Reid finally breaks down and sobs into Garcia's arms. Morgan puts his pistol away and calls Hotch up.

"Morgan, what's wrong?" Hotch asks.

"Jeff and Jane are down for the count." Morgan states.

"We will be there." Hotch states and hangs up.

"They are on their way." Morgan mumbles to himself. He looks back and at Garcia, who still has Reid in her arms. "Kid." He walks up to them and places a hand on his back. "Its over. They're gone." He states.

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