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The sequel to this book is out! Please check it out on my profile after you finish this. It's called 'love defined'.


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iikookie: honestly, you are pretty.

deadleaves: honestly, you haven't even seen me.

iikookie: i guess, i can sense your beauty

deadleaves: hah, great line. how many times have you used that one?

iikookie: but i havent used it before, i made it up right now!

deadleaves: nice try fuckboy, now leave me alone.

iikookie: waIT
iikookie: aRA
iikookie: i was joking?
iikookie: but i bet you are pretty
iikookie: ARA IM SORRY
iikookie: its pretty late so maybe youre tired
iikookie: we'll talk tomorrow

read 1:30pm

honestly // jjkWhere stories live. Discover now