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iikookie: so do you like the guys?

bangtan: jungkook, I'm literally sitting right in front of you
bangtan: you could just speak, you know that?

iikookie: yeah but, this is more fun
iikookie: anyways, answer my question

bangtan: yeah i do like them, i guess
bangtan: they're all pretty funny, especially hoseok

iikookie: well, I'm glad you all are friends now :))

bangtan: I'm glad too :))

iikookie: you're cute :3

bangtan: thx bro

iikookie: im waiting

bangtan: for what

iikookie: for you to say, "you too"

bangtan: fine, you're cute as well jungkook

I hear him stifle a laughter as I smile.

bangtan: thank you so much jungkook
bangtan: i really appreciate you being my friend and helping me come out of my shell.
bangtan: you're the first real friend i've ever had
bangtan: and for that, I'm eternally grateful
bangtan: this maybe too quick, but I really mean it.

bangtan: I love you Jungkook.

*messages not delivered*

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