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iikookie: oii
iikookie: araa
iikookie: ARA
iikookie: PARK ARA
iikookie: PARKEU ARAEU?

bangtan: hey sorry, i'm just tired

iikookie: wtf?
iikookie: call me

bangtan: what?

iikookie: call me now

bangtan: why

iikookie: you're not you

bangtan: what are you talking about, im fine

iikookie: stop lying ara
iikookie: first off, you never say sorry
iikookie: and you're always tired but you dont use that as an excuse

bangtan: wow, seems like you've known me for ages

iikookie: shut up and tell me whats wrong

bangtan: its nothing

iikookie: ara.

bangtan: okay, i was just thinking about my parents
bangtan: i havent seen them in 8 years
bangtan: isnt that funny?
bangtan: they dont even treat me like their child

accept | decline

"Listen, kookie. I don't feel like talkin-"

"Remember the way you made me feel. Such young love but, something in me knew that it was real, frozen in my head."

Ara's mouth drops as she hears Jungkook melodic voice ringing through her phone.

He was singing a Tori Kelly song, which is her favourite artist.

"Pictures I'm living through for now, trying to remember all the good times."

Ara felt tears running down her cheeks as she quickly put her hand up to her mouth, to stop her from sobbing out loud.

Those lyrics were really special to her, it reminded her of her situation with her parents. She hadn't met them since she was 8, so she only had pictures of them to remember them by.

It was like everything had stopped. All she heard was Jungkook's voice.

"I hate this part, paper hearts and I'll hold a piece of yours. Don't think I would just forget about it. Hoping that you won't forget about it."

Her heart sped up as he hum and sang the next part. God, his voice was beautiful.

Suddenly, the door swang open.



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