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iikookie: ARA
iikookie: OPEN YOUR DOOR

bangtan: nAH

iikookie: bOII IF YOU DONT


iikookie: IM BEING NICE

bangtan: we can talk through the door

iikookie: ara are you serious

bangtan: yes I am

iikookie: fiiIiNNE

bangtan: egg i'm so eggcited for tomorrow

iikookie: im fUCKING DONE

bangtan: HAHAHA
bangtan: no but really, i am

iikookie: of course you are
iikookie: you havent seen your parents in 10 years
iikookie: you deserve to see them again

bangtan: but, what if it's awkward
bangtan: like, you know how weird I am

iikookie: you're not weird
iikookie: you're perfect
iikookie: if they dont appreciate you then that's their loss
iikookie: you're my noodle and i love you

bangtan: jungkook

iikookie: and no matter what happens, just remember that i'll always be there for you

bangtan: oh god jungkook
bangtan: i seriously cannot express how much i love you

iikookie: if you love me that much, can you let me in?

bangtan: of course you egg

honestly // jjkWhere stories live. Discover now