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deadleaves: jungkook
deadleaves: why was everyone surrounding you at lunch today
deadleaves: JUNGKOOK
read 12:31 am

deadleaves: I know you read it jungkook
deadleaves: I saw blood on your uniform
deadleaves: fucking respond or I'll block you

iikookie: BECAUSE OF YOU

deadleaves: me?
deadleaves: a fucking fight over me?

iikookie: yes, a fucking fight over you
iikookie: I saw some dickheads setting up a prank in your locker
iikookie: they were going to put flour on the top so when you opened it, it would spill all over you
iikookie: so jimin, taehyung and I fucking started the fight
read 12:35 am

iikookie: there, is that good enough?
iikookie: now go ahead and fucking block me

honestly // jjkWhere stories live. Discover now