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bangtan: jungkook
bangtan: jungkook
bangtan: jungkook
bangtan: jungkook
bangtan: jungkook

iikookie: oH MY FUCK ARA
iikookie: its 3 am
iikookie: whhattt

bangtan: is it worth it?

iikookie: what?

bangtan: let me rephrase that, am i worth it?

iikookie: you're worth more than anything.

bangtan: even the amount of hate you get for dating me?
bangtan: hundreds of girls despise me for dating you.
bangtan: i see the looks they give me.

iikookie: just ignore them

bangtan: dont you dare fucking tell me to ignore them
bangtan: their stares are like fucking knifes in the back of my head

iikookie: please just ignore them

bangtan: how can you even say that, when the only stares you get are from girls drooling at you.
bangtan: and dont get me started on the notes they leave me

iikookie: ara..

bangtan: do you want to know what they say?

iikookie: ara, please

bangtan: they say kill yourself. kill yourself, you fucking slut. you don't deserve jungkook, he's too good for you...
bangtan: and you know whats worse
bangtan: i agree with them
bangtan: you are too good for me
bangtan: maybe i should
bangtan: kill myself

iikookie: stop
iikookie: fucking stop it now
iikookie: ara, i dont fucking care what those people think.
iikookie: neither should you
iikookie: its our relationship, and i care about you more than anything in the world
iikookie: you are my world.
iikookie: and I dont care how fucking cliche and sappy that sounds, because its true.
iikookie: please dont even think about hurting yourself
iikookie: because it hurts me, seeing you like this
iikookie: please only look at me, no one else

bangtan: i love you jeon jungkook

iikookie: i love you too park ara

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