Chapter 19: The Secret Girl

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GUYS! Go check out the fan fiction based off of my fan fiction! It's called The Death of Luke Cormin by @Snowcrystal! She wants Luke dead so badly that she wrote a story herself (with my permission of course!) Go read and vote for that story!


Another week passed. Only one cannon went off. There's two more Tributes remaining that aren't a part of our big alliance. They're steering clear of our tree house, clearly. I've seen no signs of them and we don't go too far from the tree. 

I'm not extremely tired anymore, which is good. I'm getting my energy back. However, the aches and pains are annoying. My legs, my back, my feet...everything has some sort of pain to complain about. 

"How far along are you now?" Titus asked one morning.

"14 weeks," I replied.

"How many weeks are there total?"


"Almost half way there!" Gale called out from up in the tree house. TItus and I were sitting on the ground beside the tree. I smiled. 

"I'm thinking that we should go out and find the other two tributes. if the Capitol was that kind about our alliance sticking together before, I'm sure they'll feel the same now," Talon said to Tetrick. They were just getting back from a hunting expedition. 

"Or we can wait it out. Do we really want more tributes in the arena? Things are comfortable this way," Tetrick replied.

"If we don't provide some action, the Capitol is going to get bored. If they get bored, then they will create some sort of 'natural disaster' to eliminate more Tributes. And who do you think they're going to target, huh? They'll target us. We're their best chance for getting rid of multiple Tributes at a time. We can keep ourselves alive by killing the others."

Tetrick put his hand on Talon's shoulder. "Keep in mind who our Head Gamemaker is. I have a feeling Luke won't do anything that could potentially hurt Willow."

Talon smiled. "We should be staying as close to Willow as we possibly can. Maybe that's the trick to keeping ourselves alive."

Tetrick laughed a little. "Yeah, maybe." At this point, the two of them had reached me. Tetrick bent over and kissed me. In this moment, everything is seemingly perfect. 

That night, I heard rocks pounding up against the tree house. I thought it was Luke again, for a moment, until I stood up and looked out the window. It wasn't Luke at all. It was a girl. She's older than me; probably eighteen, with beautiful blond hair. She reminds me of Chris a little bit. A stab of sadness rushed through my heart as I thought of her.

"Willow?" The girl called out in a hushed voice.

"Yes?" I asked.

"Will you come down here?" She replied. Then she twirled in a circle and held her hands up. "I don't have any weapons. I can't hurt you."  

I headed down to the bottom of the ladder. I figure that it can't hurt. If she attacks me, I'll kill her in a second. Plus, she clearly doesn't have any weapons. Her belt is empty. There's no mysterious bulges in her clothes. She's not here to attack me. 

"My name's Rhymer. From District 5. Nice to meet you," The girl said, smiling at me. 

"Um, hey... My name's Willow. What are you doing here? This is dangerous. If someone in the tree house wakes up, they're going to kill you."

She shrugs. "That's okay. Let them kill me. I'm not lasting much longer anyways."

I frowned. "Don't say that." 

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