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Recap: To Kalin: I love you.
Kalin Pov
My phone got a text, and it was from her
From Kennedi: I love you.
I knew she would come around, but she never told me where she was and then I got another text,
From Kennedi: I'm in Miami at south beach, and if you come today, my face isn't the greatest.
To Kennedi: Ok, I'm coming today, and what do you mean? "Not the greatest"
Read 10:42pm
She didn't respond after that she just read it. I got the first flight to Miami and I was out there in about 4 hours. I soon was at the beach but I couldn't find her.
(Ok to me this is confusing, but Kalin has never seen Kennedi with out makeup. He's only seen it smudged on her face, she wears it every time she's with him)
Kalin Pov still
All I saw was this very beautiful girl, she looked my way, her eyes reminded me of Kennedis but she didn't look like her, she was prettier in fact. Wait no Kalin, your looking for Kenni. And then I was walking towards the girl to see if she has seen Kenni.
"Excuse me, um have you seen a girl about your height? She's Carmel skinned actually your color-" I said
I was going to keep describing but I was cut off by the girl.
"Haha Really Kalin? I don't look that different." She said
Oh snap that's Kenni, she has really changed, actually she looks beautiful.
"Haha, thank you, I just don't have makeup on silly." Kenni
"Did I say that out loud?" Kalin
"Hah, yep, but let's go I've been at this beach for like 7 hours." Kenni
"Ok, but wait can I take you out to dinner?" Kalin
"Um, no." She said, I'm not going to lie it make me sad.
"Huh?" I said
"Ok yes, but not to any restaurant, nothing fancy, we can go to like some type of fast cheap fast food." Kenni
"Ok, well that's fine with me." Kalin
We got in her car. I decided to drive. It took us a while to get to north Miami, because we wanted to get "Steve's Pizza." The car ride consisted of, Kennedi telling me all about how life has been now and how she misses me in it . -
"Yea, and it's also boring not to have my best friend in it, it actually sucks." Kenni
"Well I tried talk to you." Kalin
"But I didn't know if you were going to break my heart, again... you know Kalin, I'm still actually very sad, every night I think about how we met, I look at all the notes you had given me when we were younger. You know I keep them in this box."
She pulled out a little box. With every single thing I had wrote to her-
Ken can I use your pen
What's the answer to number to
hey look at cal pick his nose
I like you
Can walk in line together
That was all in elementary, I remember the look on her face on every one of them

She looked sad now, we got out the car and pulled up to the pizza place, I went to open the door for her and I pushed her up against the Car and gave her a passionate kiss.

She looked into my eyes and said "I was wrong Kalin, our love for eachother will never die."
UM IM SICK, and my throat hurts ok so brb 😂😂😛💘

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