My Yandere.

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I must've daydreamed during class!  Akari-kun... I continued to stare at him from across the room. His adorable looks were always so distracting!~

"Mikari-chan?" Ayaa-chan called out once more. I turned to face her... she was standing right beside my desk.

"S-Sorry Ayaa-chan!" I said with a sweet smile. "What is it?" Ayaa-chan moved her silver bangs out of her eyes.

"Takoi-san plans on confessing to Marono-kun today!" Huh? She wants to confess to my Akari-kun?~ Oh no, no. I should let her know that isn't allowed. Because Akari-kun obviously loves me!~

"Thank you, Ayaa-chan!~" I said with a big smile. "But that's personally none of my business." Ayaa-chan looked denial and walked off. I grabbed my pocket knife from my pocket and started carving on my desk.

BAKA!~ Who does she think she is!? Wanting my Akari-kun... BAKA, BAKA, BAKA!~

School was finally finished... I had waited for night to fall. I was following Takoi-San into the dark alley. It would be the perfect spot to finish her!~

"Takoi-san?~" I asked in the dark alley. She ignored me. That was a bad choice!~

"Takoi-san?~" I called out once more. She was ignoring me... her own classmate. I pulled her long blonde hair back to me.

"Ignoring me?~ How rude of you, Takoi-san!~" I put my hand over her mouth so no one would be able to hear her scream in agony.

"Shhhhhhh!~" I cooed to her... grabbing out my knife. "It'll all be over soon if you don't struggle." She looked at me with fear written all over her face. BAKA!~ She thinks that she can just take Akari-kun away from me!? Such a pitiful girl! Akari-kun is mine and mine alone... and I certainly don't like the thought of sharing him!

"Everything is going to be alright... Akari-kun!~" I pinned Takoi-san to the ground... my left hand still covering her mouth. It'll all be over soon... Akari-kun will be mine very soon. Her screams were covered by my hand, but... hearing her scream just wanted to make me giggle!~ She thinks she's innocent?~

"Goodbye... see you in hell." I mumbled as I stabbed her multiple times through the chest. After she was for sure dead, I pulled the knife out of her chest. That is what happens when you try to get close to my Akari-kun.

I left the bloody scene... my home wasn't too far away.

"Mother, Father... I'm home." I said with a smile as I entered their bedroom. Their corpses were rotten by now... just skeleton with just a hint of flesh were lying there.

"Today was good!~" I said with a bigger smile as I sat on the corner of their bed. "I got rid of a girl who was going to confess to Akari-kun. You remember Akari-kun... don't you? The one that you two didn't approve of? I handled her just like I handled you two. But don't worry Father... one day you can walk me down the aisle, kay?~" I walked out of their room and closed the door. Just be patient... Akari-kun!~

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