I Will Kill You All!

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I sat in my desk as the bell rang... my desk was in the far back of the classroom, meanwhile, Akari-kun's was at the front. It was a bit difficult to stare at him, but it was alright. I knew I would never get in trouble with the teachers... after all... I am their star student. I aced everything... nothing was difficult for me. But only Akari-kun could ever catch my attention!

Ayaa-chan sat right beside Akari-kun. I'm so lucky to have her as my best friend!~ She knows better than to develop a crush on MY Akari-kun!

The bell rang for lunch... Ayaa-chan told me that she had some work with the Student Council so that she wouldn't be able to eat lunch with me today. But what I didn't get was why she was continously  talking to Akari-kun?

I don't trust her.

I followed her and Akari-kun all the way outside. The Student Council room was only a few doors away from our room? What is Ayaa-chan trying to do!?

"Marono-kun... I want to discuss something with you." Ayaa-chan said in a serious tone.

"What is it?" He asked.

"I want you to stay away from Mikari Hataoki-san, as far as possible." Ayaa-chan!?

"She's bad news." Ayaa-chan continued. "She's protective of you, she follows you, what's worse of all is... she loves you. Mikari-chan is my friend, but... she has a bad vibe coming from her as soon as another girl tries talking to you. Didn't one of your friends try to stop her at one point?"

"Kuji-kun... he died not that long ago..."

"I suspect Mikari-chan murdered him!" Ayaa-chan!? I have to stop her at once! I casually walked by them... pretending to look innocent.

"Mikari-chan?" Ayaa-chan asked, confused.

"Ayaa-chan!~" I ran up to her with a fake smile on my face. "Are you done with the Student Council!?~ I was just going to buy a last minute lunch, would you like to join me? You can come too if you'd like, Akari-kun!"

"Sure... I'll be there in just a sec, kay? I just want to finish talking to Marono-kun." Ayaa-chan said with a smile. I nodded and rushed to find a spot to hide.

"You think that Hataoki-san could actually murder somebody?"

"Don't underestimate her! She is strong! I'm warning you because I... love you." Ayaa-chan kissed Akari-kun! She actually TOUCHED him! She knows how much I love him! Ayaa-chan was my best friend! What was worse was... he didn't push her away! He just stood there! Tears were rolling down my cheeks as I hid in a dark alley... she betrayed me. Ayaa-chan kissed the love of my life! I can never forgive her... I must get rid of her before Akari-kun starts to develop feelings!

"Mikari-chan?" A voice mumbled. I looked up to see it was Ayaa-chan. That backstabbing bitch!

"I can't forgive you!" I yelled. "How could you do this to me!?"

"What are you talking about, Mikari-chan!?" Ayaa-chan yelled back, her voice filled with confusion. That bitch! Trying to act innocent! She knows what she did wrong!

"Akari-kun is mine, Ayaa-chan... how could you betray me?" I mumbled as I grabbed out my pocket knife. I'm sorry, Ayaa-chan... love comes with a price.

"Mikari-chan, you can't just claim somebody as your own! Marono-kun chose me!" No! Ayaa-chan is clearly lying! Akari-kun loves ME!

"Ayaa-chan!" I screamed before stabbing her dozens of times. Before I left her to die, she mumbled

"Are you really that crazy?"

"For Akari-kun... I will kill you all!"

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