Mikari's Past?

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((Hello!~ This is the creator Paigeyychann! Nice to meet ya. c: This part of the story will be written, not in Mikari's voice, but in mine... if that makes any sense? . _ . Well, let's just say Mikari won't be narrating this chapter!~))

"Mama, Papa, look at this!" A little girl said with an enthusiastic tone. "I caught a butterfly!"

"Well done, Mikari." Her mother said with a small smile on her face. Mikari's father was too busy reading his book.

"Papa?" Mikari asked as she reached her hand with the butterfly on it to him. "Did you see this butterfly? Isn't it pretty?" Her father put down his book and grabbed the butterfly.

"You know better than to interrupt my reading!" Her father yelled right when he crushed the butterfly. When Mikari started to cry, her mother and father showed no sympathy. Mikari's black hair was flowing in the wind, almost covering her face as she cried.

Years went on, and Mikari tried her best to avoid her parents as much as possible. She didn't want to hear her father yell again. She tried to be more 'obedient' by not calling them 'Mama' and 'Papa'. She decided to call them 'Mother' and 'Father' to prove to them that she has grown. Mikari even decided to make the meals for them and to clean the house! Everything was going alright until Mikari mentioned...

"Did I have any siblings?" She couldn't see her Father's expression... he hid his face from her. He got out of his seat and went over to her. Mikari thought he was going into a hug her, but... it was the complete opposite. He was beating her. Hitting and hitting, blood going on the floor.

Minutes past, and her mother and father went to their rooms, while Mikari was on the floor all bloody. Her ear was pressed against the floor, and all she could hear were groans. A girl's groans. A little one to be specific. Mikari couldn't really remember much... in fact, she could lose her memories easily. Who is making those noises?

She had to check. She had to know who were making those noises! Mikari rushed downstairs down to the basement. Mikari wasn't sure why she normally wasn't allowed to go downstairs unless her father wanted to have 'fun time'... she could never remember what happens, but she always ends up with bruises, cuts, and whip marks. She opened the door and saw it... a sibling.

Everything went blank for her there. Weeks went on, and she had already forgotten about everything. Mikari fell in love with Akari-kun, so she convinced herself that she did everything for him. She forgot her past for him... just for him.

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