Murder is a Sin

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I was walking through the hallway, waiting to go outside to eat some lunch. I stopped when, I saw a girl talking to Akari-kun. They were smiling and laughing... made anger rise through my stomach. I rushed outside, jealous, and ate my boxed lunch underneath my favourite cherry blossom tree... where Akari-kun and I first met. I waited until the girl came outside.

She was in my class. I just couldn't remember her name! Just what was her name!? I finished eating my lunch and followed her... I had to know who she was! But her face... I didn't have a doubt in my mind. I killed her older brother... yes, the one that made sure I wouldn't reach Akari-kun. I killed her older brother.

"Excuse me?~" I called out behind her with a smile. She turned around to face me with a sweet and innocent smile.

"You're Hataoki-san, right?" She asked. I nodded.

"Yes. Can we talk somewhere p-private?" I pretended to stutter so that it would make myself come off as more innocent. She nodded and followed me into a dark alley.

"What do you think of Akari-kun?" I asked almost immanently as we entered the alley.

"He was a good friend of my brother... after he had died, Akari-kun was there to comfort me. We've become really close friends... I think I've developed a crush on him." My expression darkened as soon as she said the word 'crush'. I giggled... this girl was going to die. She couldn't possibly have my Akari-kun!~ He clearly loved me!

"You... love... Akari-kun!?" My facial expression was terrifying and I felt as though she was frozen. As if time had stopped. I pulled out my knife...

"I'll use the same knife I killed your brother with, to kill you." She...  looked terrified. The girl tried to make an attempt to run, but I couldn't allow her to escape! What if I let her go, and she told Akari-kun what happened? He would probably hate me! I tackled her, causing us both to fall to the ground.

The girl was strong. But not strong enough. Blood ended up everywhere in less than 5 minutes... not impressed. Her last words bothered me though...

"Murder is a Sin."

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