Chapter One

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Disclaimer: I only own the storyline. The rest belongs to J.K. Rowling (Harry Potter) And Rick Riordan (Percy Jackson & The Heroes of Olympus).  


1 year ago we, or rather Leo, defeated Gaea or lulled her back to sleep. For half a year we were all emotional wrecks. And then Leo returned. He came flying on Festus with Calypso laughing behind him. I'm glad he finally found a girl and that he rescued Calyoso from her island. I was quite furious that the gods hadn't let her go earlier. But she said that it was okay, otherwise she wouldn't have met Leo.

While I was sitting at the beach watching the sunset with Annabeth, the love of my life, a camper rushed up to me.

"Excuse me Percy, but Chiron want's to see you at the Big House". I groaned, what could he possibly want now. "He also said that you have a visitor".

"Oh, great. Sorry Wise Girl but I gotta go. See you tomorrow?" I said as I slowly got up.

"Wouldn't want it any other way Seaweed Brain," she smiled up at me, and I couldn't think of a reason that I deserved to have such a beautiful girlfriend, with her golden locks and startling, calculating gray eyes. I jogged up to the Big House after yelling a thanks to the camper.

I walked in and saw Chiron swishing his tail, like he was nervous, and then I saw that my mom was sitting in a chair behind Chiron.

"Mom?" I asked, I couldn't believe it, why was she here?

"Hi Percy," she answered me, she too looked nervous.

"What's going on? Mom, why are you here? Not that I don't want you here, it's just that you've never come to Camp. I'm babbling aren't I," I said sheepisly.

"Percy, honey. I know you have been through a lot recently. But there is something I must tell you," Mom took a deep breath and continued. "Percy, I am a witch".

"Wait what?"

"I am a witch and you and me need to visit some old friends,"

"How is this possible? How can you be a witch?"

"Well Percy when I was eleven I got a letter to attend Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry, I lived in England by the way..." she started.


When my mom had finished explaining, and I must admit it, I didn't really believe her. But then she took out a stick and pointed it at some plates, she muttered Winegard Leviosa or something and the plates started floating towards her.

"Cool!" I exclaimed.

"Percy, you should go and pack. You and your mother will leave tomorrow," Chiron sighed. "Have a good time. And Percy," he stopped me before I got out. "Try to not destroy everything,".

"No promises!" I shouted as I began jogging towards my cabin. On my way there I passed the Athena cabin. I slowly walked up and knocked. No one opened and I realized that it was really late and everybody was probably sleeping. I walked over to my cabin and threw myself on my bed, fully clothed, and I fell asleep instantly. 

Thank the gods I did not have a nightmare.

A/N Sorry if this first chapter is a bit short. The next one will probably also be a bit short, but after that they will, hopefully, be longer. I hope you liked the first chapter!

 If I have any grammar mistakes or anything please comment and I will fix them. 


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