Chapter Seven

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DISCLAIMER: There is torture scenes in this chapter, I have put a warning before it so if you want to skip that part you can continue reading from the part that says -END OF WARNING-. 


After Annabeth looked me over and tried to stop most of the bleeding we tried to rest. We had to get out as fast as possible, and then continue to the Doors of Death so we could finish our quest to stop Gaea. Thankfully they hadn't chained me up so Annabeth and I could sit together. I might have passed out at some point, but I'm not sure, my memory was a bit foggy. We got a small meal consisting of some burned bread and warm water. They were really going for the stereotype right now.

I could feel myself slipping in and out of consciousness every now and then, the wounds on my body really taking a toll on me. Both Annabeth's hands and mine were caked with dried blood, stuck under our fingernails. A lot of our clothing was torn in an attempt to create bandages to cover my wounds with.

The door opened and a cyclops walked in, red light shining on him in a mocking version of a halo. He went to grab Annabeth but I flung myself in the way.

"Don't touch her," I growled.

The cyclops chuckled and grabbed me around my torso with his big, dirty hand. A few tears slipped from my eyes as the wounds that had started to heal once again tore open.

He walked out of the cell and I could hear the chains rattling as Annabeth tugged at them and screamed my name.

I was placed in another room that was lit up with greek fire torches. In the corner of the room there was a large stone structure that could only be described as a giant tub. Another door opened and Polybotes walked inside.

"Son of Poseidon, at last," Polybotes said with a grin. I only chuckled in response.

"You see that tub there?" he said. "It's filled with water,"

"Well, that's smart," I commented.

Polybotes smirked, or at least tried too. He picked me up and threw me into the tub. Immediately my wounds started to heal and I could feel my strength coming back. I prepared myself to send a wave of water crashing into Polybotes so I could escape. My gut twisted with the power and then it stopped.


A sickly green color bloomed from the middle of the tub. It spread in the water and then it reached me. I could feel my muscles contracting, and I couldn't control my limbs anymore. I held my breath to stop the poison from coming into my lungs. I tried to swim upwards, but my arms and legs failed me.

I was starting to get lightheaded from the loss of air and opened my mouth in desperation. The poison swam down my throat and filled my lungs. I coughed but only got more poison in. Somehow I ended up in the corner of the tub, laying down as pain flared throughout my body.

I heard someone talk, but the water distorted the voice so I couldn't hear who or what they said. As darkness overcame me someone lifted me out of the tub and placed me on the cold stone floor. I couldn't keep my eyes open anymore so I closed them and lost consciousness.

There was a stinging sensation on my cheek and I slowly opened my eyes. Tartarus stood above me and smiled when he saw me open my eyes.

"Great, you're awake," Tartarus said.

"Obviously," I grumbled in a groggy voice.

"Well I hope you're ready for another round," that annoying smirk returned on Tartarus face, "but first we have to do some cutting,"

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