Chapter Three

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Disclaimer: I only own the storyline. The rest belongs to J.K. Rowling (Harry Potter) And Rick Riordan (Percy Jackson & The Heroes of Olympus). 


My mom woke me up at dawn, saying she had made blue cookies. Liar. I got up and put on some clothes and then I packed. We weren't staying at her friends for long, only over the weekend. When I was done packing (more like throwing a bunch of clothes and weapons in a bag) I walked up to the Big House were my mom waited for me. Together we went to Thalia's tree.

"Hold my hand, and don't let go!" my mom said and I took her hand.

"What are we doing?" I wondered.

"We are going to Apparate. It's wizards way of travelling. It will feel very uncomfortable, espacially the first time. I will need to concentrate. Apparating overseas is difficult. I hope you can catch us if we fall?" Mom looked at me pleadingly.

"'Course mom. Do you want me to call after Blackjack for backup?"

"Can you do that? It was a long time since I used magic,"

I blew a car whistle and soon I saw the black pegasus coming at us.

Yo, boss. What do you need?

"Blackjack, can you... follow us over to England. We will be transported there with magic, but if the magic fails, we will need some backup," when I saw him make the horse way of nodding I told him what to do.

"You ready?" my mom asked me. I nodded and took her hand. Suddenly it felt like I was being squished through a tight rubber tube. I couldn't see or hear anything. I could only feel my moms hand. Then I saw again.


We were standing on a field and to my right was a very weird looking building. I felt kinda ill but I could surpress the urging feeling to throw up. While scanning the surroundings for any danger (old habit) my mom began walking towards the building.

"Percy, do you remember our cover story? You cannot tell them about you being a demigod!" she asked when I catched up to her.

"Yep," I answered popping the "p". When we got to the building mom cautiously knocked on the door. Seconds after, the door burst open and a plump woman with ginger hair stood in the dooropening.

"Sally!" the woman yelled.

"Molly!" my mom yelled in response, before they hugged eachother for a long time.

"Kids!" the woman, who I assumed was Molly shouted when they seperated from the hug. "Come introduce yourselves!". Then she turned to me. She looked up at me, since I was a bit taller than her.

"You must be Percy," she said. I nodded and behind her I saw a bunch of kids come, along with a man who looked a bit like Molly.

"Let me introduce everyone," she gestured towards the man "This is Arthur, my husband" then it was a girl, with the same ginger hair the most of them had, and looked like a year younger than me "Ginny, my daughter", then it was a boy that looked similair to the girl "Ron, my youngest boy" he waved a hi and Molly continued "That's George an..." she stopped herself and when I looked at George I saw that he had a pained expression, the same most of us had when Leo went missing, someone must have died. Otherwise George was missing an ear and he looked like he used to pull a lot of pranks, like the Stolls. "Then we have Hermione." She pointed to a girl that had brown hair and held a book in her hands. "She isn't ours but have stayed here over the summer, and she is Ron's girlfriend," at that Ron and Hermione's cheeks and ears got really red. I had to stifle a laugh at thier expressions. "And last but not least we have Harry Potter" after Molly said that a boy that looked like a shorter, skinnier version of me stepped forward. He had messy black hair (like me) and glasses over emerald green eyes. It was clear they expected a reaction from me. But mom had been gone for quite a few years and none of us knew what had happened to him or how to react.

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