Chapter Six

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Disclaimer: I only own the storyline. The rest belongs to J.K. Rowling (Harry Potter) And Rick Riordan (Percy Jackson & The Heroes of Olympus). 


"GO!" I screamed, "Get out from my memories!"

They looked shocked at my outburst, but when they saw my eyes, they saw that they were filled with fear, pain and shame. The first one to go was Tonks. She was sucked up into the sky and shortly after her Remus left. Sirius didn't stay any longer and was about to leave but then the memories started.

It started off with Annabeth and I at the shore of the river we fell into, our faces started to get blisters from the sulfurous air. Arachne came and attacked and I killed her with a fast swipe with Riptide. Annabeth and I trudged along and we met Kelli and her empuosa friends. Bob the titan fell down from the sky and wiped out the rest of the vampire donkey girls.

I knew what was coming next. The arai.

"George, and everyone else that doesn't like seeing pain, close your eyes now," I said

"Why?" George asked.

"Because I don't want you to see what happens next. Especially not you or mom," I answered.

"Percy-," mom started.

"Mom, trust me. Close your eyes,"

Mom looked me in the eyes and realised that she should do as I said. She came over to me and gave me a hug, burrying her face in my chest.

"George and Molly. Please," I pleaded.

They did as I said and shut their eyes, and it was right on time. The arai showed up and we set after them. With every kill you could see my body get injured a little more, the same with Annabeth although it wasn't as much. Monsters hate me more than they hate her. Then Annabeth got Calypsos curse, and I fought with more anger and will. I landed the final blow on one of the arai and got filled with Gorgon's blood, the death of Phineas.

The wizards heard a scream of pain escape my lips (me as in the one currently in Tartarus me) and my mom winced. I could feel my shirt get wet. She was crying. I patted her back and murmured comforting words in her ear.

"I'm fine, I'm fine. It's okay, we're out, we're okay," I said. It was a lie, and I think mom knew that as well but it was what she wanted to hear.

I saw the surrondings go back to black once again and no way was I letting anyone see what happened next.

"Go, we are finished here. We don't need to see more," I demanded.

One after one they left until it was only me left. That's when I realized that I had forgotten how to get back. My breathing got ragged and I started to panic. I didn't want to relive that part again, it was too painful.

In Tartarus time goes faster than in the normal world. We probably fell for nine days and it had just been a day on Earth. And when we got out, Annabeth and I obviously didn't talk about it with anyone, it was too private, too horrible. And there was this one part of our visit down here that we supressed as much as we could, we begged the goddess Hecate to make us look a little bit healthier, cover a few scars and wounds.

The thing we didn't want to mention was the torture.


After leaving Damasens hut, the other giants, like Polybotes, caught up with us. We tried to fight them but Bob wasn't a god and we were unable to kill them without one.

They restrained Bob and knocked us out.

When I regained consciousness I was chained up to a wooden cross, exactly like Jesus was described to be hung up but without the huge iron nails. I couldn't see Annabeth anywhere around, and I started to panic. Then a rusty metal door in the wall opposite of me opened with a creak.

In came a person that I hadn't seen before.

His skin was purple and large muscles were threathing to burst through it. At the tip of his fingers were black talons that looked extremely sharp. But his face, his face, it wasn't a face. Instead there was a swirling whirlpool and spiral of darkness. Everything in the room pulled closer to him. And he radiated so much terror that for once I was completely and utterly afraid.

I got a little of my sense back and asked "Where is Annabeth?"

He gave out a short laugh.

"I've heard of your loyalty, but you shouldn't worry about the girl's fate. You'll meet her soon enough. You should be more worried about your own safety Perseus. I'm not sure if we've been properly introduced before. I am Tartarus and welcome to your worst nightmare," He said.

"It's Percy," I snapped, my thoughts still on Annabeth.

"This will be fun," he said with a little chuckle.

"You do know that you behave like every other villain in the history of mankind right? At least movie villains," I said.

Slowly he tok one of his talons and scraped it across my chest, and it started bleeding. He did it one more time. Creating a X across my torso. And he did it again and again, after a while my body got numb from the pain and I refused to give in and scream.

When he was finished two Cyclopes came inside and dragged me through the hallways. My mind was clouded but I tried to remember the turns to get an idea of the layout.

Finally they throwed me into a dark cell and chained me up to a wall. The closed the door with a bang and I could hear multiple locks locking. Opposite of me a figure covered in darkness sat.

"Percy?" a voice carefully whispered.

"Annabeth," I said with a relieved sigh.

"Oh, Percy. What happened to you?" Annabeth came as close as she could with the chains restraining her. I reached out a hand and gripped hers.

"Nothing I can't handle," I lied.  

A/N: Yay Tartarus! Fun right? But yeah, a reason it takes so long for me to update is that I like to have a little summary of what's going to happen and then not get distracted by everything else on my computer. (In reality I'm just really lazy and sleep through half of the day). But yep... *awkward silence with crickets chirping*. I have 1.1 K views/reads on this story and that's kinda crazy *fireworks and confetti goes off*

Well bye!


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