Chapter Four

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Disclaimer: I only own the storyline. The rest belongs to J.K. Rowling (Harry Potter) And Rick Riordan (Percy Jackson & The Heroes of Olympus). 


I'm confused. We were having dinner and then some blonde girl showed up in the AIR! The girl and Percy talked and then she dissappeared. Percy freaked and walked outside. The rest of us were left and the silence and tension was thick. Sally sighed and put her head in her hands. She mumbled inaudible things. Then she looked up at us staring.

"I guess I need to explain some things," Sally said and we nodded. "It will be hard. But first I got a question. Do you happen to have a Pensieve here?".

"We do actually. Do you need it?" Molly answered.

"Yes, that would be the easiest to show you. You need to see Percy's memories," Sally stated. "I'll go get him, can you prepare the Pensieve?". She then proceded to walk outside, leaving us in stunned silence once again. 


"Your office Arthur?" Molly panted, carrying the Pensieve. Arthur nodded and Molly walked over there, placing it on his desk. Arthur was busy contacting the rest of the Order, even Snape, but that means Sirius is coming. I couldn't wait to talk to him about the strange things that had happened. Soon enough Tonks and Lupin was here, by using Floo Powder, and Snape and Sirius came by Apparating. When everyone was in Arthur's office we only missed Sally and Percy.

"Arthur, what are we doing here?" Sirius asked.

"Sally is here with her son...," Arthur said before getting interrupted.

"And you're here to see my memories," a voice filled in from the door.

I turned around and there stood Sally with tears streaming down her face, and Percy with a determined expression and a protective arm around his mother. They walked forward and was standing next to the Pensieve.

"Who the hell are you?" Siruis asked. Percy flinched and then answered.

"I'm Percy Jackson, Sally's son. And apparently we're seeing my memories. I would advise Harry, Ginny, Ron and Hermoine to not be here and watch...," before he could continue Ron blurted out what, probably, all of us were thinking. "Why should we listen to you?!".

"You've recently been in a war, correct?" when we said yes he continued. "I've been in two wars and my memories will give you nightmares,"

"I think we could handle them," I snorted.

"Just, please go out. I need to do this and then go back home to Annabeth. I don't have time for this," Percy said, looking exhausted.

"Guys, I think we should go now," Hermione said carefully, and we followed her out, but not without glaring at Percy. WHO was he to give us demands?! 

I heard someone cast a spell on the door and everything inside turned silent. We all went to the livingroom and I threw myself on the sofa running a hand down my face. This day didn't turn out how I thought it would. First of all, Percy did not look like I was expecting. He was rather good looking and funny and he wasn't ashamed or embarassed about himself. When Mrs. Weasley introduced us, she almost mentioned Fred. You could see the understanding in Percys eyes. He knew we lost someone, someone that meant alot to all of us, but he didn't mention it. And he didn't do a remark of the fact that George only got one ear. 

And Percy didn't look like I thought at all. His skin was naturally tanned, and he had a lean body, but you could still see muscles bulging under his skin. His face was well defined and he sort of reminded me of some picture I saw in a book that Hermione was reading. He had jet black hair that looked like mine, untamed and long. But the thing you focused on when you looked at him was his eyes. They were a vibrant green, similar to mine but his had shades of blue blended in as well. They changed with his emotions and I got a feeling that they have the same colour as the sea. 

The Ripped Fate [DISCONTINUED]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ