Chapter Two

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Disclaimer: I only own the storyline. The rest belongs to J.K. Rowling (Harry Potter) And Rick Riordan (Percy Jackson & The Heroes of Olympus). 


"Arthur!" Mrs. Weasley yelled while waving a paper, I assumed it was a letter, in her hand. "Sally said that she will be coming here tomorrow. And she will bring her son".

"Excuse me Mrs. Weasley, but who is Sally?" I questioned her. I've been staying at the Burrow this summer, and so has Hermione. And we had recently recevied a letter saying that we needed to attend Hogwarts, to complete the year that was "interrupted" by Voldemort.

"Oh, Harry dear. Sally is a long, lost friend that went missing. She recently sent a letter saying that she was alive and well," she answered. But when she looked at my expression her face softened. "I tell you and the other kids about her at dinner, okay?" I nodded and she left with a smile.

When I got bored at waiting, Ginny, Ron and I went outside and practiced some quidditch. Ginny was really good, and Ron became better for every training.

"So have you heard about the guest's that are coming tomorrow?" I asked them when we had a small break.

"No. What guests?" Ginny answered.

"I don't really know that much about them, but your mother said she was going to tell us at dinner," I said.

"Well, then we just have to wait don't we mate? Ron said with a smile.

After some more practice we finally heard Mrs. Weasley yell "Dinner!". We swiftly flew down and went into the dining room and sat down at the table. After a few minutes of small talk I decided to ask the big question "Mrs. Weasley, who is Sally and why is she coming here?" everyone went silent as they watched Mrs. Weasley. She cleared her throat and began explaining.

"When I went to school, I was friends with Lily," she send me an apologizing smile and continued "and a girl named Sally. We met in Gryffindor, all of us went there. When we had finished our seventh year, Sally disappeared. We haven't heard from her until now. About a month ago I recieved a letter were Sally wrote that she was sorry for making us worry. She had gone to America and there she had gotten a son. She  had been married once, the husband mysteriously went away, and a few years ago she remarried. She has a son that she got before getting married. The boy's father had been lost at sea, and as I see it Percy, her son, has never met his father. We wanted to meet her of course and asked her to come here and bring her son. It went on for quite a few weeks, us trying to meet her and she refusing. When we said that we could come to her she quickly replied that she will be coming here soon. Percy is seventeen years old and soon turning eighteen. And he knows about us, what we are," she finished speaking and it was quiet for a minute before everybody started talking at once.

"Hermione, Ron and Harry, you are as old as Percy so I want you to show him around while I'm catching up with Sally, okay?" when we nodded she started shouting that everybody should clean and tidy up. She assigned everybody a task and I started doing mine, while thinking about this Percy. I thought that he would have brown hair, dull boring eyes and be well fed and not needing to do anything in his life. Compared to me, who have fought in a WAR, he is nothing! I snickered to myself and when I was done cleaning I walked up to my bed and laid there thinking about how I would put Percy in his place when he came here. I fell asleep with those happy thoughts. 

If I had known how wrong I was...

A/N So when I wrote that last part I got angry at myself (Harry) for making Harry think about Percy that way. Percy has fought in TWO wars and went through hell, with his girlfriend by the way! The only thing Harry did was fight in a war. Voldemort wasn't even possesing the body of Harry's first friend at school, and that friend needed to sacrifice himself to save the world unlike Percy.

I have quite a few thoughts when I see that Harry thinks he is better than Percy.

On another note, this chapter was longer than the last one! But still pretty short! If I have any grammar mistakes or anything please comment and I will fix them. 

See you all in the next chapter!


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