Adventure time is post apoctaliptic?

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Let's see what we have here. A talking stretchy dog, a vampire, a ice wizard, a princess made of bubblegum, candy people, a rainacorn, a peppermint butler, and other magical awesomeness a kid show would have. Sounds decent right? Well, a theory has been floating around that adventure time takes place in a post apocalyptic world. In the theme song, when marcalene, or however you spell her name, hisses, she's living in a grey  cave with broken junk, as well as half of the earth blown up.In some of Finn and Jake's adventures, you can see broken boats, bomb shells, and ALOT of skeletons. I think this theory is obviously true because of all the garbage and death looking stuff. Of course, in one of the episodes with little marcalene and ice king, there is practically destruction all over, so this is definitely true. Also, the reson everyone is different from Finn is because the bombs were atomic of something like that, mutating the citizens and making skeletons come to life, people into candy and etc. I'm guessing Finn is the only survivor. 💀

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