Mario murder?

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Mario is a Italian plumber who's in love with a princess who is the ruler of a kingdom full of mushroom headed people with Aladdin styled vests. Doesn't seem dark, so why is it a conspiracy? Well my fellow citizens, this is when I tell you the conspiracy behind this game. Check out game theory on YouTube for more info. Anyways, the point is, there was a reading that concluded the brownish brick blocks floating around in the map. The reading says that bowser stuffed toads into blocks and scattered the blocks in the map. Kinda fnaf style eh? So? Mario smashes them all the time! Correct my fellow citizens. Mario is clearly clearing the map from the blocks WITH toads inside. Now why is the block brown? This is the part where we put on tin foil hats. The blocks are either hardened and have living toads in them or they are dead rotting corpses of the toads. You guys know the boos right? Maybe they could be the spirits Mario released when he smashed the dead blocks.To sum it up, Mario is releasing several spirits in the world who used to be living toads trapped in blocks and increasing the boo population. Now that is AAAKKKWWAARRDD!!! 🔫

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