Pixar theory

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ellu again :3 i have to admit, i haven't posted on this book for a very long time, so to make up for it, we have a very very very very very VERYVERYVERYVERY long theory. So make some more tin foil hats to add to your collection, because we're diving into the Pixar Theory.

The Pixar Theory basically says that all Pixar's movies are in the same timelines. I'm just not gonna say Pixar anymore because basically all of the movies in this theory are made by Pixar. Moving on, the magic from the "will of the wisps" would cause the birth of super heroes later on. By super heroes I mean *cough cough* The Incredibles *cough*. This is the one moment we see machines go rouge, in this case, Omnidroid. Eventually, toys absorb/ draw their powers from something called "Zero Point Energy", which, quoted from CrystalLinks.com, "it is the energy of the vacuum, which in quantum field theory, is not defined as empty space, but as the ground state of the feilds. In cosmology, the vacuum energy is one possible explanation for the cosmological constant. A related term is zero point field, which is the lowest energy state for a particular field." now I honestly have no idea what this means, but my explanation is an unseen energy that travels in wavelengths. If that really long scientific explanation of what a zero point energy is threw you off, here's where we catch back on. Toy story is the next movie on the list. Thanks to Syndrome's technological prowess, the toys have come to life, and they have found out that human love is an energy source on which they thrive on, and set certain rules to obtain this energy. The toys eventually discover what happens to toys that are isolated from humans, thus presenting Toy Story 2. They realize that it is dangerous to be isolated from humans, and few start to question their purpose in life, like Jesse's resentment towards her owner, Emily, for losing her. Resentment towards humans weren't only carried out by toys, but by animals as well, which brings us to Finding  Nemo. Didn't expect that one, huh? In Finding Nemo, we see that the human characteristics in fish are also present, making them have an advanced civilization, for example, schools and a freeway system, but we later discover that humans are polluting the ocean and experimenting on the wildlife, and a very good example of this is Dory. Dory was experimented on, which is why she is always forgetful. The fishes in conclusion show resentment for caging and experimenting on the fish, as well as polluting the water. The animals soon become more curious and start to carry more human characteristics. In Ratatouille, Remy discovers his passion for cooking, and displays many human characterstics, like washing his paws, reading books, cooking, and of course, standing on his hind paws. This is also the first time we see a personal interaction between humans and animals and animals controlling humans, only Remy was given somewhat permission because Linguini didn't know how to do anything We can clearly see that Remy's rat clan dissaproves of humans, and ther hate grows for them. Toy Story 3 shows us that three years later, the toys have gone through alot with humans, considering the physical abuse and torture they have to go through in the catapiller room. Lotso Huggin' Bear generally hates humans because they treat toys like trash and just throw them out like they mean nothing, and wants to protect his kind, which is another reason toys and machines are uniting to take down the humans. Carl and Ellie write to Andy, telling him to get rid of his toys before it's too late. They know about the rebellion of toys and machines, and is why they plan to live at the falls in the middle of nowhere, leading us straight to Up. Carl is forced to give up his house to BnL, because they are expanding their city. This foreshadows the soon to be pollution and distruction of the earth, wiping out all life in the future, as well as a technology overreach. Carl and his partner discover that animals can communicate with humans and sees the bitterness they hold to the humans. Charles effectively trains an army of dogs, causing the tipping point between humans and animals. Years later, an uprising between humans and animals. You wanna know who won? Neither. The machines saved the humans, however, this event tipped the balance on earth, giving us the movie Cars. BnL sent the remaining humans off on a ship called the Axiom. The machines were left to populate the world and keep things running, but who's to say that the machines wouldn't take over the world? In Cars 2, we see the cars in Europe and Japan, and this shows that the earth is completely devoid of humans. The machines, of course, need oil, and since there are no humans to pump the oil out of the ground, the world was pretty much at a crisis. That's when Allinol was made, used as a catalyst for a fuel war to turn cars away from alternative energy sources. The clean fuel could've been easily and quickly used to wipe out the cars. Allinol was created by BnL, which eventually polluted the whole earth due to it's use of oil. The whole world becomes unable to sustain life and becomes intoxicated. Earth has considered inhaitable for hundreds of years, bringing us to the movie Wall-E. Wall-E is the only machine left on earth after it ran out of resources, and survived only because of his facination with human culture and with a cockroach as a companion, kept his personality maintained. Machines on the Axiom show that they have evolved and developed a sense of purpose out of the human's dependence on them. Wall-E and Eve save the human race, and in the credits, we see the plant in the boot turn into a tree, which looks exactly like the tree in Bug's life. That's because it is the tree in Bug's life. In Bug's life, the ants have a longer lifespan. Prior to Wall-E, an ant can only live up to 3 months, but these ant's survive a whole summer, and not to mention one of the ants saying that they "feel 90 again". This leaves the conclusion that the ants have evolved or mutated to live longer. One of the ants also tells Flick to not go out because there are "snakes, birds, and bigger bugs out there". Not once were humans mentioned because there are so few humans, that they are no threat, although a kid did allegedly pick the wings off a homeless bug. Later on, animals started evolving into the more dominate species. Monsters University tells that hundreds of years after Wall-E, animals started changing due to the radiation remaining on earth. The animals mutated into monsters and accidentally wiped humans off the face of the earth. The monsters were falsely taught that humans were toxic and were from another dimension. This was because monsters did not want to be erased from history and alter history. Then there was Undertale. Nah, I'm just kiddin'. But anyways, back to the story. Monsters Inc. shows that monsters and machines didn't realize their huge mistake of wiping out humans until it was too late. They realized that the humans were their only source of energy and needed to sustain life. Machines helped solve that problem by letting monsters use doors to help time travel to different generations of the human race. Now, all eyes on Boo. Sweet, innocent little Boo beccame obsessed with finding out what happened to Sulley. She remembers that doors are the key to finding him, and later on, she figured out how to time travel, and goes back to find the source of all magic. "The will of the wisps". She creates magic to find Sulley by using wood. She leaves two pieces of evidence in her wood carvings. They were Toy Story's pizza truck, and, of course, Sulley from Monsters Inc., the two things she loves. Even though she knows how to travel in time, she doesn't know which period to travel to, and it has been determined that she has placed easter eggs into each of Pixar's movies because she had traveled into the wrong time period. And that is the Pixar Theory.

What did u guys think about this theory? I thought it was pretty legit. Everything was well placed and all the evidence fits. Tell me in the comments what u guys think!

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