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You've heard of mlp, right? Well, seems decent. Still, how would this be a conspiracy? You guys still got the tin foil hats? Good, cause it's gonna be a bumpy theory. There are several theories floating around, but I will only write about two. Just because.😇😋

Theory #1- the ' mane six ' are based off of six girls who went to the same school and died on the same day. The only thing we all need for proof is their gravestones. Then I'll be convinced. The girls characteristics are similar to the mane six. Applejack is similar to the girl who lived on a farm and fell into a wood chipper. Rainbowdash is similar to the girl who had a bad heart condition and took too many steroids. (which she should've been monitoring how much she consumed)Rarity is similar to the girl who loved fashion and died in a car wreck, snapped her neck. Ouch. Twilight is similar to the girl who cheated on her test. She hung herself in fear of being an "imperfect child" or  something like that. Finally, Fluttershy relates to Samantha Gales. That's the only name I can remember from the girls.😓 the only thing I know is she died. I also forgot how she died 😤

Theory #2- Pinkiepie is secretly an alicorn. Let's think for a second. How on earth does she zip out of a scene and zip back with anything she wants. Now that could only be at the speed of our dearest Rainbowdash. So, she's fast, so what? Well obviously Fluttershy has been zipping in and out of danger! Correct citizens of wattpad, Pegasus pony have the only ability to zip around at their will. So how come she's part unicorn? Well, in one of the episodes, Pinkiepie has somewhat of a ' pinkie sense ' that can predict the future from the her movement. So, it's future telling, nothing unicorn like. Well, we don't know how this stuff appeared now do we? No. In all the episodes, we never saw a trap door in the ground and flower pots don't just fall out of the sky! So maybe Pinkiepie believes she has a pinkie sense, when it's actually her unicorn powers going berserk. Well how does ones unicorn powers go berserk without control? Well, remember when Pinkiepie had to babysit  Pumpkincake and Poundcake? Well, Pumpkincake's powers were uncontrollable to Pinkiepie. Also, Twilight has had a few times when she wasn't able to control her powers. The fact that Pinkie's horn isn't visible makes it even harder to control. Also, when the cakes go looking for a babysitter, Pinkiepie appears in the background all the time, pampering a nearby object and rocking it in her arms. When they ask rainbowdash, Pinkiepie pampers a cloud and rocks it. How in the world can she do that?!? Well, according to the episodes I've been watching, only Pegasus ponies can manipulate clouds.😳😱 this is one of those theories I agree to. Also, Pinkiepie was originally supposed to be a Pegasus, which makes it more convincing. One more thing. In one of the episodes, the cakes said the reason Pumpkincake and Poundcake were not earth ponies like them was because their ancestors were unicorn, Pegasus, and earth pony, so maybe that's considerable. Maybe she has those powers, but cannot see them. Maybe in the new season Celestia and Luna will find they are not the only powerful ponies in Equestria.

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