Disney is Evil?

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The Walt Disney company is one of the oldest and most successful entertainment conglomerates. Founded in 1923 by Walt Disney himself, this company flourished by making films directed at a younger audience and older audience alike. The company made international headlines in 2009 when it aquired Marvel Entertainment for over $4 billion, and again in 2012 when it aquired Lucasfilm for over $4 billion dollars more, and has long owned the ABC network and all it's affiliated networks, including ESPN.

It can't be disputed that, though traditionally a family-friendly buissness, Disney has allowed quite non-family friendly images into the cuts of their films, leaving the parents covering their children's eyes and rushing to turn the tv off, and not only made the film, but also promotional and poster artwork. Many timeless classics have these, just to name a few, The Rescuers, The Little Mermaid, and Aladdin all have these disturbing moments, both visually and audio. It just requires alot of attention and a super old cassette tape of then the movie was first launched. So why would Disney wanna expose children to this kind of content anyways?

Well, it is believed that Disney is all about sexualizing children. The Disney company wants to suck all the money from parent's wallets while rendering their children complient, subservient consumers, and early exposure to this kind of content is the first step in that process.

And since they are considered evil, who could say that they wouldn't be satanically evil? Perhaps in some sense they could lure children in. Who says they couldn't cause them to become tyrants in a political status? No one said it would stop at inappropriate subliminal messages. Think of everything else they could use this mind control for.

So try to think of that next time you let your little brother or sister watch Pinocchio for the seventh time in a row. It might save their little minds from Disney's child hypnosis.

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