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This is the one that doesn't make ANY sense whatsoever. Ok, so maybe a little, but it's a little to dark for a kids movie.
SpongeBob and friends resemble the seven deadly sins. That was really hard to type because it's a bit scary😐
SpongeBob: lust because of his unconditional love for everyone and everything.
Squidward: Wrath because of his constant yelling and anger issues.
Patrick: sloth because of his constant laziness.
Gary: ( noo!😩) gluttony because of his constant wanting for food.
Sandy: Pride because of her karate skills or something like that...
Mr.krabs: greed because of his love for money. ( duh!)
Plankton: envy for mr. Krabs's restaurant and success.


Yep, it's possible.

Another theory is that spongebob and friends are mutants. Now why would a kids show be this dark? Well, the town spongebob lives in is bikini bottom, right? Well, there is another place called the bikini atoll, where they tested nuclear bombs. Basically, bikini bottom is actually the bikini atoll and spongebob and friends are mutants. They were all normal until the bomb exploded, thus making pineapples grow underwater and talking fish with a civilization similar to ours. Wow that was really scientific. Anyways, that also explains all the explosions in the show because it is re-simulating the explosion they were mutated in, as well as the mushroom-cloud effect.

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