Spongebob on drugs theory

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Mentioned by CANDYQUEENIAM. Thx for the theory mention ;)
Ok, so normally i don't like talking about drugs because it kills alot of people, but in conspiracies, ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE :D So let's start shall we? LETS DO IT XD

Spongebob= shrooms. Idk what shrooms are, but i do know what they do to people. You know how Spongebob is always happy and then can suddenly become sad or anxious? That's what shrooms do. Yes, i looked it up. How dare i :3

Patrick= marijuana. I'm still wondering why people get ahold of this stuff if it's illegal :/ Patrick eats alot, as you can tell, in some episodes he ruins everything by eating something that was important to one or more of the characters, which is called "the munchies", and that kinda sounds like something a 4 year old would call it, but anyways, he's always relaxed and has a positive outlook on life. Something like that.

Squidward= heroin. I feel like this could be one of the deadliest injections out there, but there are worse. I just need a justification of why people get so sick using it and still use it if they hate the sicknesses all together. Anyways, i'm getting way off topic here. According to logic, heroin causes a disability to succeed in jobs, like how Squidward fails at clarinet sometimes, as well as mood swings, lying, no eye contact and hostility. If any of this stuff is true, these peeps will need some serious help :/

Mr. Crabs= cocaine. This drug makes people irritable and paranoid, like in the episode "A New Leaf" when Plankton stops trying to steal the krabby patty formula.

Sandy= none. Apparently she is against them because of her constant annoyance of Spongebob and Patrick and when they need her help, she's always doing something else like building.

Thank u for reading this, and i'll see u next time when i find something else or when someone suggests a new theory. Byeeee X3

CONSPIRACY THEORIES!!!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora