Kid sacrifices his/her mother? (Tattletail)

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ok, so before i go on with this theory, it kinda sounds like the Courage the cowardly dog theory (which i will include in this book later on) and I'm only going off what I've found in the game

let's dive into this theory, shall we?

so when you first play this game, the first thing people think are "where the heck is this kid's parents??? I mean, wouldn't they at least make an effort to protect their kid from an evil furby demon?" well what if this kid's mother was Mama all along? 

now before you start telling me how much of an idiot I am, allow me to shed some light on the situation.

remember somewhere along the lines in the game you get to knock on your mom's door, but no one answers? that could mean the the mom is actually Mama, searching for you to put you back to sleep, and the noises you make lead her right to you. And yes, this sounds very close to the story Mama tells, which is a factor of this theory. Mama's story tells us exactly what the mom is doing.

now here's where the title comes into place

the mom was lead straight down into the basement by their own kid and finds out that they're actually trying to sacrifice her. In her desperate attempt to show her child that what they're doing is wrong, they steal the candles and hide them in vases, putting out decoys just in case, and is lured back in by the sound of possessed furby chanting only to find that her kid is gone, and she has to follow the sound of breaking vases to catch them.

eventually, if the player doesn't rage quit, her attempts failed, and she was sacrificed by her own child

but, that's if the player gets to the good ending

if the player doesn't collect all the eggs to get the good ending, the ritual had backfired and Mama came back to punish her child for doing such a thing to their own mother

and hopefully while they were grounded for a month, she got them baptized

but yeah

hope you liked my theory

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