Date With A Killer 2

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Masky P.O.V
Her door opened to her (wearing the outfit above) She looks so hot in that outfit. "How do you think of my outfit?" she asked. "You look beautiful in that outfit" I said. She smiled to what I said to her. "Let's get going!" I said. We walked downstairs to see some people in the living room. I grabbed Evils hand an quietly walked to the door. We left the mansion quietly without no one hearing us. We started walking into the woods to where I did something special for her. "Masky,where are we going?" She asked me. "It's a surprise!" I replied.

30 minutes later
Evil Eyes P.O.V
Masky and I have been walking for like hours now I think. "We here" he said. I saw a blanket on the ground with candles all over the trees without them burning the trees. I walked towards the blanket to see a note on it. I picked up the piece of paper and read it. It said
Dear Evil,
I couldn't tell you in person but, I like you. No, I love you so much. The first I saw you I was in love with a beautiful woman. If you don't like me it's fine there are more fish in the sea.  I love you Evil!
P.S. Look up!
I look up to noticed how beautiful the stars look at night. I wanted to cry so bad because I never had someone love me. I stop looking that the stars an looked at Masky to see him sitting on the blanket. I sat next to him. I felt a hand go on my hand . I spotted Masky was holding my hand. "Stars look so beautiful" I stated. "Not as beautiful as you Evil" Masky reply. I turned my head to Masky when I felt lips against my. I kiss him back to let him no that I like him. We stopped kissing and I said "Love you Masky!" "I love you too Evil" he replied as he kissed my forehead. I put my head on his shoulder an fell asleep. I new that this was the night I would never for get.

Back at the Slenderman Mansion
Bloody Rose P.O.V
I sat on the couch next to Jeff and Smiley dog. I wanted to pet Smiley dog so bad that I when he would bite me. I carefully put my hand on smiley dog's head. "Rose, if I were you I would take your hand off his head" Jeff said. I felt someone's head get up. I turned my head back to Smiley dog to see him awake. I looked into his beautiful eyes. Then he got up from the spot he was in an he layed on my lap. I started to pet Smiley dog head then to his body. I looked up to see everyone in the living room shocked. "Did I do something wrong?" I asked. "No, it's that smiley dog never lays on someone before" Ben stated. "What does he do when you guys try pat him?" I asked Ben. "Well he growls at us or he bites you. But, he didn't bite you or growl at you." Jeff exclaimed. "I no that he will never bite me." I said as I started to pet him again. "Okay, what movie are we going to watch?" Poison asked Ben. "Well we can watch Chucky, Krampus, Unfriended, Nightmare on Elemore Stre-" Ben was cut by Poison. "Ben, we have Sally she is going to have nightmares about it" Poison said hugging Sally who looks scared already. "What about we watch Scary Movie 2?" Vanessa asked. Ben nodded grabbed Scary Movie 2 from the drawer under the tv.

End of the movie
Shadow Killer P.O.V
I opened my eyes to see black everwhere. "L.J" I called. "Ashley" I yelled. "Where am I?" I asked myself. I got up from the floor and started to walk where ever. I saw some thing in the distance. So I began I ran to it. When I got closer I saw a little girl standing in front of me. The little girl had her back facing me. I walked towards her to see her have my hair color when I was a little girl. Then I look up to see my house that I live in before I moved to Meadow street where Ashley and Adrianna lived. "Why m-mommy why did y-you leave m-me?" The little girl said. I felt like I was going to cry because I remember that I said that when I was little. I walked in front of the little girl to see it was me. I was holding my favorite stuffed animal it was my cat. "MOMMY! I HATE YOU FOR LEAVING ME!" I said when I was little. I turned around to see my mom' body laying died on the floor and my dad laying next to my mom laying died too. I began to start to cry because I remember that day when I came back home from school to see my mother's and father's body died on the floor. I turned around to see I was nine years old crying in my new room. "I will found the person who killed my parents! I will revenge you mom!" I heard my nine years old self say that. I turned around an started to run away from this awful dream. I stopped running because I saw my thirdteen year old self at my locker. I started to walk up to myself but, I saw myself get pushed into the lockers. "See told you girls she's weak and ugly." I saw the girl I hate the most it was Haley and are annoying friends. "I hope you died in hell Vanessa!" Molly shouted. I see myself get up off  the ground an walk away from Haley and her friends. I see Haley walk up to me and punch me in my face. "Bitch don't walk away from me when I am talking" She yelled. "Haley, shut up and stop bullying on Vanessa." I turned around to see Ashley and Adrianna. "Ya, pick on someone on your size you nig bitch" Adrianna said an she started to run away from Haley and her friends. "You okay Vanessa?" Ashley asked helping me off the ground. I saw myself nod her head. "Come lets get you to my home" Ashley remarked. I backed up because I remember like it was yesterday but, I saw it on my face that I found someone who cares about me. I turned around to see a monster who has horns coming out of his head and mouths all over his body. He started to laugh like a insane person. I saw a big mansion and all the creepypastas died on the floor. I started to cry because I have no one that is there for me. Then I see the monster walk up to me and say "Your Nexted Beautiful!" I started to run away from the monster but, he didn't chase after me there was this boy with brown hair and a X on his face, there was a girl who looks exactly like L.J, another girl who has a black and white scarf who is carrying a big hammer, a boy who is wearing all black and has yellow eyes and string coming out of him, and saw Ashley and Adrianna chasing after me with knife's and swords. I started to run faster away from these people. I ran into the woods then I tripped over a tree branch. I fell on the ground and I tried to get up but, my foot was stuck. I turned to see Ashley walking up to me with black eyes and a bloody knife. "Ashley, please don't do this please I am begging you" I cried. "I am sorry but, my master said that we have to kill you" She said throwing her knife in the air and catching it. "Ashley this is not you please don't let him control you. I know that you are still in there" I cried. "Ashley is not here any more. Bye Vanessa!" She said as she stabbed me with her knife.
End of the Dream
I opened my eyes to see that L.J is on top of my with a worried face. "Shadow, are you okay?" He asked. I nodded my head and I felt tears coming down my face. "Shadow, tell me what happened you started cry then screamed then back to crying." He stated. "Where am I ,L.J" I asked. "We're in my room because you screamed causing everyone to wake up." He explained. "I am so sorry! I just had a nightmare" I said. I see to door open to see....

Cliffhanger! So I am so sorry for not uploaded my books because of homework and family issues. So I will updated on Christmas and Christman eve. I hope you  guys have a wonderful Christmas with your family or friends. See you guys later! Peace out My Killers!
P.s if your name is Haley I am sorry that I put your name in here I just make up names! Later my Killersヾ(*´∀`*)ノ

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