It's Beautiful!

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Bloody Rose P.O.V
I walked into L.J's room to see if Shadow was okay. When I entered the room I heard Serenity scream like a blond girl on a horror movie when she gets killed. I see L.J trying to comforted Shadow that's its only me. "Shadow, are you okay?" I asked her. "N..No, its just a nightmare so don't worry about me." she lied. "okay I will be leaving you guys now." I said as I walk out of the room. I see Sally running up to me in the hallways. "Rose do you want to play with me?" she asked me. I nodded my head to tell her that I am saying yes. "But, first let me get change into new clothes" I stated. "Okay Rose, can I come with?" She asked. "sure way not!" I replied. We walk towards to my room. We entered my room an I went inside my closet to get some clothes. I put on my red shirt with my black hoodie, black skinny jeans with my black converses. "Woah you love black don't you?" Sally said as she was sitting g on my bed. "Yeah black has been my favorite color when I was young like you Sally" I explained. I got finished changing into new clothes. We walked towards Sally's room with a pink door with some drawings on it. Sally opens her door to see a white thing on her bed. "JEFF, GET UP ITS NOT TIME TO SLEEP ITS Time to have a TEA PARTY!" Sally said with excitement. Jeff opens one eye to see me standing next to Sally. "So you got made to have fun with her" he said. "No, I just wanted to hang out with Sally because I want her to be happy a smile on her face." I explained. "Let the tea party began!" Sally yelled dragging me to her little table.

10 Minutes Later
I noticed Sally fall asleep on the floor next to her teddy bear. "Sleep tight Sally" I said to her. Then I left her room to get something to eat. I went into the kitchen to see E.J eating some kidneys. I got the bowl of strawberries again because they are my favorite. I see Evil came into the kitchen to see me eating strawberries again. "Rose are you ever going to stop eating those?" She asked me with her hands on her hips. "Nope!"I said as I ate other strawberry. I got up from my chair an went into my room. "Rose are you going to put your strawberries away?" Evil shouted. "Nope" I shouted back as I entered my room. I got bored in my room so I decided to throw knives at my door. I noticed my door opens to see Jeff in my room. I accidentally threw a knife next to his face. "Oh my gosh I am so sorry Jeff or Smile" I laughed at what I said to him. "Why do you have to call me smile?" He asked as he entered my room. "Evil told me too" I said as I smiled. "So what are you doing?" He asked as he walked up to me. "Nothing, besides throwing knives at my door" I replied as I picked up all my knives. I sat on my bed next to Jeff. "Hey Rose, can I show you something" Jeff asked. "sure, why not, Jeff" I said. "Close your eyes, Rose" He said. "Why?" I asked him. "Just trust me" Jeff said. I closed my eyes to felt Jeff get off the bed then I felt something go around my neck. "Now open your eyes!" He said. I opened my eyes to see a necklace around my neck. It was a red heart with wings on it.

I look up to look at Jeff when I felt something on my lips. I noticed it was Jeff kissing on my lips. I kissed him back because the first time I saw him I fell in love with him. I put my arms around his shoulders. An I felt hands go around my sides. We let go of kissing. I looked in his beautiful brown eyes and he was looking at my red eyes. "Bloody Ro-" I don't let him finish his sentence. "I love you too Jeff!" I stated. He smiled to what I said.

Evil Eyes P.O.V
I finished getting dress (this what Evil Eyes wearing besides Evil Eyes wearing the bracelet and ring)

VI finished getting dress (this what Evil Eyes wearing besides Evil Eyes wearing the bracelet and ring)

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