Happy Holidays!

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Happy holidays from the dragonets of destiny! (Poor blind Starflight up near the scroll 😕)

Hope you have had/will have a good... (Tell me if I forgot a holiday)(Please note that there is no order to this list)

- Human Rights Day
- Christmas Eve
- Christmas
- New Year's Eve
- Hanukkah
- Kwanzaa
- Hogmanay
- Dongzhi Festival
- Yule
- Yalda
- Pancha Ganapati
- Advent
- Krampusnacht
- Saint Nicholas' Day
- Saint Lucia's Day
- Twelvetide
- Las Posadas
- Saint Stephen's Day
- Saint John the Evangelist's Day
- Holy Innocent's Day
- Saint Sylvester's Day
- Feast of Winter Veil (for any World of Warcraft fans out there)

And enjoy the Winter Solstice tomorrow!

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