Even more tags

72 16 9

What a surprise....
I was tagged by Honeyleaf22 . Evil...

1. Do you like perogies?
Of course!

2. What is your favourite sushi?
I don't like sushi.

3. Favourite kind of chocolate?
Milk chocolate.

4. Do you sing in the shower?
Of course not... Heh.... Definitely not lying....

5. Do any of your friends have a Wattpad account?
Well, everyone I follow is a friend to me. But as for irl friends, it's only you, Honeyleaf, and KosmicKiwi .

6. Favourite band?
I don't have one.

I kinda want to end the tag chain here, but where's the fun in that?

So I tag...
TuftyKat (Great way to start off your new art book :3)

You guys can do these questions from the previous chapter. That is, if you want to do it.

1. If you had to describe art thieves in one word, what would it be?

2. Favourite anime?

3. Digital art or traditional art?

4. Favourite saying from a book? (Ex. Mouse dung, Oh my moons, Buckets of crud, etc)

5. Favourite anime character?

6. What was the last thing you took a picture of?

7. What was the last lie you told?

8. Who's your favourite oc of yours?

9. Mozzarella or cheddar?

10. Which was the easiest of all these questions to answer?

Good luck!

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