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Tagged by DragonLovers101

Tagged by DragonLovers101

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1. Chocolate, of course.

2. I've moved twice. (Or was it three times? I can't remember...)

3. Sara Bareilles or Christina Perri

4. Any super power? Hmm... How about the power to change powers at will?

5. Cats, because they're cute and awesome. But if mythical animals count, then my favourite animal is either a dragon or a hippogriff.

6. Shapeshifter, since who wouldn't want to shapeshift into anyone? It would be awesome! I could take over the world! (Not that I want to, of course, because I'm totally not an evil genius or anything.)

7. It changes too much so it's hard to name one.... And what's with all the double questions?

8. Nope. If I can't even remember exactly how many times I've moved, I certainly can't remember my first word, or if my parents even told me what it was.

9. I'm not sure... Maybe Kiwi and Honeyleaf know.

10. You'll never know.

11. What's that?

12. The grocery store.

13. No pets, unfortunately.

14. Qisetrststrshrdytvuob.

15. (It didn't fit in the screenshot) .........

I tag...
Septimus Heap
Wade Kaplan
Sydney Morgan

Your questions (I just went through past chapters and copy pasted some of my old ones):

1. Mozzarella or cheddar?
2. Is there one or more of your friends whom you secretly dislike?
3. What's one thing you've always wanted?
4. Did you get it? (See previous question)
5. Do you know any of the book characters I tagged?
6. Favourite saying from a book? (Ex. Mouse dung, Oh my moons, Buckets of crud, etc)
7. Last thing you took a picture of?
8. If you could wake up tomorrow in the body of someone else, who would you pick and what would you do?
9. Are you bored of answering questions yet?
10. Have you ever read The Mudblood?
11. When did you first join Wattpad?
12. If you could be invincible for a day, what would you do? (I personally would go skydiving without a parachute)
13. Have you ever watched the Amazing Race?
14. What's the last lie you told?
15. Approximately how long did this tag take you?

Good luck!

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