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I was tagged TWICE by Sage_71 >.> Now I have to answer 15 questions. You guys can just look at the magical rainbow cat. (My mum called it the gay pride cat and mentioned that I'd probably get arrested if I drew that in Japan. *facepalms*)

1. Red, Blue, or Yellow?
Reluellew. The worst combination word in history.

2. Would you want to fly or breath underwater?
I'd definitely want to fly.

3. Favourite song?
Again with this? It's still Hollow by Tori Kelly.

4. Any suggestions for my art or books?
Nah, both are awesome.

5. Who's your favourite author?
This is worse than the favourite book question...

6. What is your favourite academic subject?
Math, even though I have a poor excuse for a teacher.

7. Favourite Disney movie?
Hmm.... Probably Big Hero 6, though it's most likely going to be Zootopia soon. (Don't hate on me for not choosing a classic)

8. What do you like to see or do on Wattpad?
Read and look at randomness. Oh, and post stuff.

9. One place you would want to visit?
The world of Septimus Heap.

That's one set of questions finished... Now on to the next 6. >~<

1. Night, Dusk, Dawn, Evening, or Day?
Night. Sleeping is awesome.

2. Hair up or hair down?
Whichever one a braid is.

3. Rainbow or polka dots?
The magical rainbow cat answers that question.

4. 13, 24, 57, 68, or 90?

5. What should my username be? It has to include Sage.

6. Dove or Eagle?

Now for the fun part! I tag...

And I'd tag DragonFlame79 to do it too, but they seem a bit tired of the tag chain.

Your questions are:

1. If you had to describe art thieves in one word, what would it be?

2. Favourite anime?

3. Digital art or traditional art?

4. Favourite saying from a book? (Ex. Mouse dung, Oh my moons, Buckets of crud, etc)

5. Favourite anime character?

6. What was the last thing you took a picture of?

7. What was the last lie you told?

8. Who's your favourite oc of yours?

9. Mozzarella or cheddar?

10. Which was the easiest of all these questions to answer?

Good luck!

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