
67 13 16

*groans* Another tag, the result of Crystalwolf2319 's revenge.

*groans* Another tag, the result of Crystalwolf2319 's revenge

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1. I love reading.
2. I have a horrible sweet tooth.
3. I have an inability to fully trust people.
4. I'm a very emotional person.
5. I'm extremely indecisive.
6. I'm loopy and talk to myself quite often.
7. I have waist length black/dark brown hair that I always keep in a braid.
8. I'm running out of remotely interesting facts.
9. I have an older brother.
10. I always feel quite lonely.
11. My favourite book changes a lot.
12. My favourite time of the year is early spring.
13. *insert fact here*

Now onto the questions.

1. Have you ever owned a pet?
Yes, I had a bird (a budgie who died of a concussion) and fish (who also all died).

2. What is your favourite anime?

3. What is your favourite colour for a sweater?
Light blue.

4. Do you have any piercings?

5. If you could live in a video game, what game would it be?
Pokemon, of course.

6. If you could be any animal hybrid, what would it be?
A puppy monkey baby (Vault_Girl :3)
Just kidding. I'd be a cat-dragon.

7. If you had bunny feet, what would you do?
Ask if having rabbits feet instead would make me more lucky.

8. What is your favourite food?
Macaroni and Cheese.

9. What is your favourite TV show?
Well, it was Gravity Falls, but that show is over now :P

10. If you could be a fox or a cat, which would you be?
A cat.

11. What would you do in a zombie apocalypse?

12. If your video game or anime crush came to life, who would that be?
Can by book character crush come to life instead?

13. If you could own a animal, what animal would that be?
A dragon.

Finally! I'm done!

I have to make up 13 questions of my own?!?!?!?



1. Who's your book character crush?

2. Have you ever been too afraid of something in a video game to actually play it?

3. On a scale of 1 to 10, how bad do you think my art is?

4. Cucumbers or carrots?

5. Is there one or more of your friends whom you secretly hate?

6. Last thing you ate?

7. What's one thing you've always wanted?

8. Did you get it? (See previous question)

9. If you had a brainwashing machine, who would you use it on?

10. What's your favourite movie?

11. Why is the sky blue?

12. Mozzarella or cheddar?

13. Approximately how long did it take you to do this whole tag?

I tag-

Forget it, I'm not tagging a whole 15 people, seven is fine.

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