Artist Tag

57 11 18

Tagged by Colonel_Toxic_Fox

1. Are you self taught, or do you take classes?
Self taught (The reason my art is so bad, wrapped up in two words)

2. Do you consider yourself a good artist?
Nope, not really.

3. How long have you been drawing?
Well, I've been drawing for a pretty long time, but I wasn't that interested in it until I saw all the amazing artists here on Wattpad.

4. What annoys you the most about being an artist?
When you draw something good, and people are super surprised and doubtful.
*shows friend drawing*
Friend- "Did you draw that? That's amazing! I didn't know you could draw like that!"
Me- ".......... " *goes to other, better friends and rants*

5. What do you draw the most?
I dunno.... What do you think I draw the most?

6. How old are you?
Why do you want to know, you creep?
Just kidding. I'm ____

7. Traditional or digital?
It depends on what I'm drawing.

8. Has someone ever called your art bad?
Not that I can remember.

9. What inspired you to draw?
As mentioned earlier, the amazing artists of Wattpad. And the ones I've met in real life, too. *coughKosmicKiwicoughcoughHoneyleafcough*
*clears throat* I must be coming down with something....

Tagging time!
And..... FiftyShades0fFandoms

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