Chapter 5

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Lauren's POV

To say that I was in utter shock was an understatement. Justin Bieber was asking me, Lauren Jauregui, to be his girlfriend.  Not only was this unheard of, but it was also completely against social norms. How many people could say that the stereotypical jock in their school was dating one of the biggest outcasts known to man?

 Time might have passed, but the rules of high school seem to never get altered. Cheerleaders date the jocks, nerds date nerds, and that's just how it went and seems to go. Of course this rule has its exceptions....but for the most part this is what it is. 

"I-I don't know what to say," I stuttered, darting my eyes around to make sure there was no one able to hear us. I tucked a strand of my long black hair behind my ear and took a deep breath. "Of course. I would love to be your girlfriend, Justin."

"You scared me for a second Laur," He chuckled nervously. It was cute to see him get all flustered around me. "I would have really been upset."

"Well aren't you cute? I can't wait to go on dates and just hangout, but I'm scared this big secret is going to tear us apart. That's not going to happen, right?"

"Definitely not," Justin reassured me, wrapping me in a tight embrace. "I'm ready to make this public whenever you are babe."

"I'll be ready soon..." I smiled. "I promise."


A week or so passed and things weren't surprisingly as bad as we expected them to be. We spent time with each other after school in places no one we knew would even think to go to. We learned more about each other than most people share in months. Justin was so good at showing how he felt about me without having to say a word. The kisses we shared were each memorable for different reasons and he seemed to make every one count more than the last one did. 

As scary as it is, this night was going to be the first big step in our relationship.  He was going to come over for dinner and meet my family. I have one brother, Chris, a sister named Taylor, my Mom, and my Dad waiting to meet the boy that I just can't stop talking about. 

"What time is he coming over?" Taylor asked slightly sarcastically. "I would love to meet the reason I can't have a friend sleepover tonight."

"Shut up," I snapped. "He's coming over at six thank you very much...and don't embarrass me!"

"It's 6:54...." Chris mumbled under his breath. "Looks like the kid doesn't know that he should always be five minutes early to impress."

I was just about to slap him until my mom grabbed my hand before I could and gave me one of her infamous looks. 

"Let's all just calm down," She sighed. "I'm sure he'll be here any minute-"

She was interrupted by the sound of the doorbell. 6:55.

"Called it jackass," I smirked, skipping to get the door.

I opened it as quickly as I possibly could and hugged Justin before he could say a single word. Unfortunately, I stepped back when I realized that he wasn't hugging me back. 

"I'm sorry," He giggled nervously. "I have my hands full."

In one of his arms, he had a beautiful bouquet of assorted flowers and in the other, he had a giant heart shaped box of chocolate. It was like something out of an extremely cheesy romance movie, but I was whipped regardless. 

"Hi Justin!" my Mom waved, walking towards us before giving him a friendly handshake. "It's so nice to finally meet you. I was afraid you were too good to be true!"

"Mom!" I warned, blushing at the thought of her saying anymore.

"That's ok," Justin grinned. "It's a pleasure to meet you Mrs.Jauregui."

"Is this the big man on campus I should be worried about?!" My Dad joked, giving Justin another handshake. "It's great to meet you, Justin."

"I'm so glad we met as well, Mr. Jauregui," He admitted. "Lauren tells me so many stories about you all and I always pictured you to be this amazing."

My Mom nudged my Dad, revealing that they were already impressed, before my Mom gave me a quick wink. 

"What's all the racket?!" Taylor shouted as her and Chris stepped out of the study where they had been glued to the tv. 

"This is my sister Taylor and my brother Chris!" I smiled, giving them an intimidating look. 

"Good to meet you bro," Chris smiled. 

"You too. I'm Justin."

"You look like something out of seventeen magazine..." Taylor shrugged. 

"TAYLOR!" My Mom and I screamed in unison. 

"Anyway..." my father chuckled to himself. "Let's go eat dinner so we can all learn more about Justin and how he puts up with Lauren."

(A/N) Hey everyone! I hope you're enjoying the story so far!! I'm not going to be able to update this week, but I'll post Chapter 6 in the first few days of 2016. Thank you to whoever has read any of my fanfiction this really means a lot to me. A few of you asked me how many chapters this was going to be, but I'm not sure yet to be honest. Thank you so much for reading. Don't forget to leave me a comment or inbox me questions/ what you think! I hope you had an incredible 2015 and wish you all well for 2016. Ily all. 

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