Chapter 11 - Final Chapter

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Justin's POV

I put on the uniform that sentimentally meant more to me than probably anyone else felt about it on my team and made sure I had everything on correctly before staring at the mirror. After realizing I looked decent enough to be seen by most of the incredibly large high school I attended, I gathered my teammates to say a quick prayer before our championship game would begin. We bowed our heads and asked God to help us have a successful and injury free game that we would never forget. 

"Let's win this!!" I screamed, putting my hand into the middle of the circle as we all jumped up and down and chanted at the top of our lungs as usual. 

"Welcome to the Championship Game everyone has been waiting for," An announcer spoke clearly. "We are all here to see the Lions, a team we all know have been working extremely hard to win this for years, and the Bears face off in the most anticipated game of the season. Let's get started."

A sophomore girl sang the National Anthem beautifully and soon after they announced the starting line up, which began with me as the team captain. I spotted Lauren in the crowd who gave me a quick wink and wave as soon as we made eye contact. Some of my friends nudged me after they noticed our brief encounter, but when the buzzer sounded...I knew it was game time. 

"Let's go!!" My coach yelled as soon as we let up the first basket that caused us to be down by two points. 

The first half went by was a back and forth battle that was possible for either of the teams to win. We were either down by two or winning by two for the first two quarters until the buzzer sounded and started the half time show. The cheerleaders did a quick routine as our mascot, Leo the Lion, danced around hilariously. 

"Now ladies and gentlemen...let me please have your attention," The announcer interrupted. I knew this was the moment I would not be able to wait for any longer. 

The pressure had been building the whole day and I needed to get this weight off of my shoulders. I wanted everyone to know the truth about the person I cared the most about. The game didn't matter as much to me as much as what I was about to do.  

"What's going on everyone?!" I asked after grabbing the mic and receiving an incredible amount of applause from the crowd. "I have a very special announcement and couldn't think of a better way to do it. I wanted as much of the school and community as possible to know something that has been making me so incredibly happy lately. Very few of you know this...but I have a girlfriend that some of you might recognize from this school. She is the greatest person I have ever met and has completely changed my life. Her name is Lauren Jauregui."

There were a few gasps from the crowd as peoples heads turned and looked around until they laid eyes on her, but her eyes were completely focused on me and only me. 

"Some of you are irrational and will never understand this, but I don't care. I want everyone to know that we're a couple because we both decided we don't want to keep this a secret anymore. It was stupid to ever hide the fact that I was interested or dating such an amazing girl. I need everyone to know that I'm in love with Lauren Jauregui...yes, I'm in love with her. I love you Lauren and I want you to know that I know I'll always love you no matter what."

"I love you too," She mouthed before she began to walk down the bleachers before running into my arms. We kissed briefly as the spectators clapped and screamed for us even more than before. 

This moment could not have been anymore perfect. We kissed briefly and could not stop smiling. She wished me good luck on the rest of the game, but after this I knew I wouldn't need it. I had everything I ever wanted with or without becoming a state champion.


The final buzzer sounded, almost as if congratulating me on this perfect day and extremely astonishing championship win. We beat the Bears by fourteen points and they were heartbroken. It was a game that would go down in the history of high school basketball and that I could never forget for sure. 

Lauren and I were extremely happy with the response we had received and couldn't wait to roam the halls as an official couple without worrying about anything at all. 

My life had changed drastically in such a short amount of time, but I could never regret a single second of it. I was the happiest I had been for as long as I could remember and I had no one to thank other than Lauren. 

(Author's Note) I hope you all enjoyed this short fanfic! I am so sorry I was horrible with updating, but I've been extremely busy and tried my best. I think I'm going to take a short break before starting another fanfic because I want to be able to put in as much time as I need to update. Thank you so much for reading. Ily all. 

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