Chapter 9

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Lauren's POV

I approached the same old door I had seen for the past billion days and took a deep breath before opening it. My life was about to change in some sort of way and I knew that I wasn't going to be able to hide this from anyone for much longer, especially my friends. After living an almost identical ordinary school day, you just start to pick up on things. This is why I knew my best friend would be going to buy coffee in our cafeteria right after she went to her locker. 

"Dinah!" I screamed, running over to the counter by the cashier. "I need to talk to you before homeroom. NOW!"

"Calm down girl," She chuckled before yawning over dramatically. "What's going on? It's six in the morning and I'm tired as hell."

"I know, I know. I'm sorry about your natural need to go back to sleep," I patted her back jokingly. "I need to tell you something...and I really have no idea how you'll react, but you should have known about it a long time ago anyway."

She gave me a confused look and shrugged lightly. 

"I am dating someone-"

"You're what!?" She screamed back at me, interrupting me predictably. "You better have a perfectly logical explanation as to why I wasn't the first one to know about this and you are just telling me about it now!"

"Calm down," I hushed her. "You are the first person to know! The guy I have been dating and I both decided it was best for us to keep it a secret. That's why you are and have been completely clueless about this. His name is Justin."

"Justin Witherland? He's pretty chill and cute! could have told me!"

"No," I shook my head. "Not Justin Witherland."

"Then which one? I think there are only a few of them in our grade...unless he's in another grade?"

I glanced around  before biting my lip out of pure embarrassment and I'm 99% sure I was blushing. 

"Lauren!" She gasped. "Who is he?! There are too many Justin's in this school...I'll be guessing all day and we only have five more minutes until homeroom starts and the first bell rings."

"Let's just say the reason we decided we wouldn't tell anyone was because of the reaction we're going to get when everyone finds out. It's unexpected and I don't even know if you'll ever guess who it is..." I teased knowingly. 

"Come on! What are you waiting for?"

"OK! OK! It's Justin Bieber!"

"No way," She smiled before her whole mouth dropped. "You have been hitting that and not telling me? That boy is fine as hell....but he's sort of an ass from what I've heard."

"Dinah, I am not exactly "hitting" that," I mimicked her. "He's really sweet and has wanted people to know about us since the beginning, but I was just too scared that the people in school would totally ruin my life."

"Well.." She sighed. "You seem really happy and if you're happy, I'm happy. You should just be honest about it and screw what everyone else thinks. I don't care who it is that makes you happy as long as they treat you right and if someone isn't happy for you, then you don't need them in your life. I actually can't wait to bug you guys about PDA and stuff...I think I already ship it."

"Awww thank you Dinah. I'm so happy you're ok with it and don't want to kill me. I wanted to tell you first and I'm just going to tell everyone else together at lunch. Justin is telling his friends today too and somehow we're making it public tomorrow. I know I shouldn't be this nervous, but I'm freaking out."

"Don't worry Lolo. I'm here for you and I'll give anyone that gives you a hard time one of my famous Poly beatdowns!"

Author's Note : Hi guys! I'm so sorry for taking awhile to update...I had midterms and literally no time to give you a half decent chapter. To answer some of your questions...there will be a few more chapters and most likely no sequel. Thank you so much for reading and I love you all :)

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