Chapter 10

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Justin's POV

Today was the day that was going to begin the start to one of the biggest changes in my life and I couldn't wait for it. I was going to go from being a player on and off the court to being a committed and maturing soon to be man. The life that I used to live was reckless and repetitive in every terrible way a person could possibly think of and I'm sick of being a person I don't want to be. I want everyone to know that I'm falling in love with the most breathtaking girl in the whole world and nothing could possibly tear us apart. 

Tomorrow was the day a small universe, also known as high school, was going to become aware of the fact that the most unexpected couple were more than just total strangers.

 I ran to basketball practice with my heart practically beating out of my chest and finally arrived at the locker room to find my friends sitting around bored as they scrolled on their phones. 

Perfect time. 

"Whats up guys?" I broke the silence casually. "How's it going?"

"Good! What's up, Justin?" Alex smiled, pushing me roughly like usual.

"Yo!! This has got to be a good practice if we want to beat those asses tomorrow!" Jake answered back excited.

We all talked for a couple of minutes about what we needed to work on for the next couple of hours and then I started to realize that it going to be now or never.

"I actually came here a little earlier so I could tell you all something that I've been wanting to tell you for awhile..." I interjected abruptly.

"What's this about?" Alex questioned. "I swear if you finally got with Liz and you're going to brag..."

"No! That's not it!"

"Well what the hell is it?!" An underclassmen screamed from the other side of the locker room. "I'm not even a part of this conversation and I want to know!"

"Ok, ok. The truth is that I'm actually the happiest I've been in awhile...actually for as long as I can remember. I'm falling in love with one of the most beautiful and unique girls on this planet and I've been hiding it from you guys. We were worried about how people would react when they found out we were dating, but I don't care anymore as long as I have her. I know some of you will judge me and I'm sorry you have to be so close minded about this... if that's the case. I've been dating Lauren Jauregui and she's everything I've ever hoped for in a girlfriend and more."

A couple of their mouths dropped as I talked, but others just nodded and smiled. I was sure that some of them were going to question everything about me and others were just going to take it all in and treat me like they always had regardless. That is the difference between real and fake friends.

"That art freak?" One kid asked, chuckling to himself. 

A few kids laughed and others gave him intimidating stares.

"Shut the hell up or I'll knock that mouth guard right out of your mouth you piece of shit!" I warned, lunging forward before Alex pulled me back.

My fists were clenched and I could swear that smoke was coming out of my ears.

"Justin wait," Alex warned. "I just want to say that I'm really happy for you, bro. You seem really happy and that makes me think that she's the perfect match for you. I don't know anything about her, but I'm sure she's amazing and I'd love to meet her sometime. Don't let any of these pricks get you upset."

This was the reason that Alex was my best friend and always will be. We never second guessed each other and have practically been brothers since we could talk, although we aren't actually blood related. 

"That's so cool," Jake nodded. "I'm really glad you found someone as amazing as she sounds."

A bunch of the guys gave me high fives or told me that they supported us being together as long as I was truly happy. 

"Alright thank you to almost all of you for everything you said...I can't wait until you guys meet her! Now let's practice, so we can beat those bastards tomorrow!!"

The guys all got riled up as they screamed and chanted over and over again until we all ran out of the locker room and into the gym. 

Maybe tomorrow wouldn't be as bad as we thought..

(A/N) Cliffhanger sorta...the next chapter might be the last one :( Thanks for reading so far!!

Secrets (Jauren Fanfic)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें