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~3rd Person~

A human man walks into his home during the 1800's. His name is Bill, Bill Cipher. He is tall with pale skin. He has golden blond hair and light brown eye's that almost look yellow. He walks into a back room, his room. In the room lays a brunette woman with pale green eyes. She looks at Bill with a smile and he comes over to place a wash cloth on her forehead. Her name is Wilma Cipher, and she is his pregnant wife.

Wilma, however, is gravely ill. Bill hasn't any clue on how to save his wife and unborn child. There is no cure for her illness yet. He kisses the sickly woman's cheek then whispers sweet nothings in her ear until she falls asleep.

Bill goes to stand when the world goes gray. "Oh alright! Come on out you beast!" Bill yells into the room. A woman appears. She is all purple with three eyes. "Hello brother." She says calmly. Bill use to be like her... until Wilma became pregnant. He gave up being a demon to keep her and their child safe. "What do you want Silica?" Bill spat with venom. He hast a care for his traitorous younger twin.

Silica smiles. "I can cure your love..." She says playing with the sleeping woman's hair, then stops to look at her older twin. "And the child." She finishes, but Bill is vary wise. He knows his sister never does anything for free... even for family.

"What's the catch?" He asks knowingly. Silica smiles at her brother. "You leave them and become a demon again... but do know. She will not live in this time." At this Bill becomes confused. "What do you mean Sill?" He asks. "I can not save them in this time... I can merely reincarnate them. She will be reborn and the first time she becomes pregnant she will bare twins. One to the man that impregnated her... and the other will be your unborn child here." She says rubbing the stomach that contains her unborn niece or nephew. Bill watches his sister closely. He does not trust her, but he knows that as a three eyed demon she is literally and physically incapable of telling a lie.

The blond former demon sighs. If my beloved dies without the deal... She will die in pain... and our child will never know the glory of life... but if I take the deal... She will be reborn and my child will be able to live... but I will become insane. It does not matter that I am formerly a demon... any human who becomes a demon will go insane... formerly one or not.

Bill thinks it over carefully and decides to take the deal. His sister sticks out her hand and a pink flame envelopes it. Bill hesitates but grabs her hand shakes it while closing his eyes tightly. When he opens his eyes Wilma has stopped breathing and her heart has stopped beating. He sucks in a breath and goes with his sister to carry out his side of the deal.

Centuries latter and in a modern hospital a woman gives birth to fraternal twins... a boy and a girl. The girl they name Mabel, and the boy? His name is Llamanick. Mabel and Llamanick Pines...

Ok! So y'all probably want to know why Llamanick is in italics. That would be because Dipper's real name is unknown right now so I'm using this.

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